c# – 我是否需要为我的powerpoint Add-in安装用于Office Runtime的Microsoft Visual Studio 2010工具(x86和x64)?

我目前正在安装一个我用C#构建的Powerpoint插件.在先决条件中列出了Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Office运行时工具(x86和x64).我使用ClickOnce部署创建了一个设置.但我希望我的设置不需要管理员权限.

用于Office运行时的Microsoft Visual Studio 2010工具程序(x86和x64)需要管理员权限才能安装…但是我需要这个程序才能使我的加载项工作吗?这是先发制人的先决条件

From This link

The Office extensions for .NET Framework 3.5 and Office extensions for .NET Framework 4. He also explained that starting in Microsoft Office 2010, the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime is included and does not need to be deployed alongside your Office solution – BUT – (currently) only if you are targeting the .NET Framework 3.5.

If you are targeting the .NET Framework 4, the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Runtime must be selected in the Prerequisites Dialog Box and installed on end-user computers. This is because the Office extensions for .NET Framework 4 are not included in the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime that is included in Microsoft Office 2010 Beta or RTM.


从我个人的经验来看.在过去的一年中,我发现任何低于Microsoft Office 2010(2007及以下版本)的东西都需要安装Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office runtime.
