c# – 如何通过webapi2将扁平列表返回到breezejs?




  from p in Person
    join cp in CompanyPerson
     on p.Id equals cp.PersonId
     into companyPersonGroups
     from cp in companyPersonGroups.DefaultIfEmpty()
    select new {
        Person = p,
        CompanyPerson = cp,
        Company = cp.Company


控制器,这取决于我尝试和做的各种原因.从“实体或复杂类型’SiteTrackerModel.ContactPerson’不能在LINQ to Entities查询中构造”到其他问题.只是在这里向你展示我正在尝试的方式.

    [BreezeQueryable(MaxExpansionDepth = 3)]
    public IQueryable<ContactPerson> PersonsFlattened()
        //return _contextProvider.QueryAll<Person>();

        var contacts = from person in _contextProvider.QueryAll<Person>()
                       join companyPerson in CompanyPersons() on person.Id equals companyPerson.PersonId into companyPersonGroups
                       from companyPerson in companyPersonGroups.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       select new ContactPerson()
                           FirstName = person.FirstName,
                           IsPrimaryPerson = companyPerson.IsPrimaryPerson,
                           CompanyName = companyPerson.Company.Name

        return contacts;



return EntityQuery.from("PersonsFlattened")
                 .then(querySucceeded, self._queryFailed);


Person.cs(Edmx / db中的人员表)

public partial class Person
    public Person()
        this.Companies = new HashSet<CompanyPerson>();

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<CompanyPerson> Companies { get; set; }

CompanyPerson.cs(Edmx / db中的CompanyPerson表)

public partial class CompanyPerson
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public int CompanyId { get; set; }
    public bool IsPrimaryPerson { get; set; }

    public virtual Company Company { get; set; }
    public virtual Person Person { get; set; }

Company.cs(edmx / db中的公司表)

public partial class Company
    public Company()
        this.Projects = new HashSet<Project>();
        this.PhoneNumbers = new HashSet<CompanyPhoneNumber>();
        this.Addresses = new HashSet<CompanyAddress>();
        this.Persons = new HashSet<CompanyPerson>();

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<CompanyPerson> Persons { get; set; }


最佳答案 您可以将投影数据发送到BreezeJS并将它们转换为您在客户端上定义的自定义EntityType.您不能指望ContactPerson类型显示在Entity Framework生成的服务器的元数据中;它是一个DTO,而不是EF所知道的模型的一部分.

这不应该阻止你在Breeze客户端上定义ContactPerson.了解如何在文档中使用create client-side metadata.

It’s worth noting that you do not have to define all of your metadata on the client to take advantage of this feature. Just add this ContactPerson type.


默认情况下,Breeze无法识别匿名类型数据.您可以为toType query clause提供一些帮助.在客户端元数据中定义类型后,可以在查询中取消注释该子句.

return EntityQuery.from("PersonsFlattened")
       .toType("ContactPerson") // Should work after defining ContactPerson on client
       .then(querySucceeded, self._queryFailed);


N.B.:我相信你意识到你已经定义了只读类型. Breeze不知道如此,如果您在BreezeJS中对ContactPerson实体进行更改,管理器将尝试保存它.您的保存尝试将抛出服务器,除非您捕获传入的更改并使用它做一些了不起的事情,可能是在BeforeSaveEntity方法中.
