>最后一位是校验和Example Code for Checksum
# validate tax number
$taxNumber = $_POST['taxNumber'];
echo preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $taxNumber);
if (strlen($taxNumber != 11)) {
# 11 digits
$taxNumberValid = false;
} else if ($taxNumber[0] == "0") {
# first digit != 0
$taxNumberValid = false;
} else {
# one digit two times, one digit zero times
# checksum
$numbers = str_split($taxNumber);
$sum = 0;
$product = 10;
for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$sum = ($numbers[$i] + $product) % 10;
if ($sum == 0) {
$sum = 10;
$product = ($sum * 2) % 11;
$checksum = 11 - $product;
if ($checksum == 10) {
$checksum = 0;
if ($taxNumber[10] != $checksum) {
$taxNumberValid = false;
最佳答案 此代码解决了以下问题:
// remove whitespaces, slashes & other unnecessary characters
$taxNumber = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $taxNumber);
// by default the taxnumber is correct
$taxNumberValid = true;
// taxnumber has to have exactly 11 digits
if (strlen($taxNumber) != 11) {
$taxNumberValid = false;
// first digit cannot be 0
if ($taxNumber[0] == "0") {
$taxNumberValid = false;
make sure that within the first ten digits:
1.) one digit appears exactly twice or thrice
2.) one or two digits appear zero times
3.) and oll other digits appear exactly once once
$digits = str_split($taxNumber);
$first10Digits = $digits;
$countDigits = array_count_values ($first10Digits);
if (count($countDigits) != 9 && count($countDigits) != 8) {
$taxNumberValid = false;
// last check: 11th digit has to be the correct checkums
// see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steueridentifikationsnummer#Aufbau_der_Identifikationsnummer
$sum = 0;
$product = 10;
for($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++) {
$sum = ($digits[$i] + $product) % 10;
if ($sum == 0) {
$sum = 10;
$product = ($sum * 2) % 11;
$checksum = 11 - $product;
if ($checksum == 10) {
$checksum = 0;
if ($taxNumber[10] != $checksum) {
$taxNumberValid = false;