mysql – @Never事务属性非常慢

Java EE程序的性能.基准测试使用带有’X’注释的方法调用带有’Y’注释的方法.我的基准交易涵盖了银行转账的情况:

@Required            @RequiresNew
theCallerMethod() -> updateAccount(Account acc)
                  -> updateOwner(Company c)
                  -> addLogEntry(Transfer t)


当我发现最慢的呼叫来自@Not-annotated caller方法时,我感到非常惊讶:为@Required执行上述1000个呼叫案例 – > @Required场景耗时5,71秒,@ Required – > @RequiresNew 6,35秒,但是9,05秒.为@Never – > @Not_Supported和8,95秒.为@Never – > @Supports.

@ Never-contexts可以执行这么久吗?我的意思是我们甚至没有暂停和恢复的交易.也许有一些我错过的关于@Never交易属性的一般知识?

我使用Java EE 6,GlassFish 3,MySQL 5.1.69 InnoDB.



I mean we even do not have a transaction to suspend and resume.

我不会那么肯定.这就是ejb3.1 specification所说的:

13.6.5 Handling of Methods that Run with “an unspecified transaction context”

The EJB specification does not prescribe how the container should manage the execution of a method with an unspecified transaction context the transaction semantics are left to the container implementation.
Some techniques for how the container may choose to implement the execution of a method with
an unspecified transaction context are as follows (the list is not inclusive of all possible strategies):


The container may treat each call of an instance to a resource manager as a single transaction
(e.g. the container may set the auto-commit option on a JDBC connection).
