我正在使用带有Amazon Web Services的iOS SDK
DynamoDBScanRequest *request = [[DynamoDBScanRequest alloc] initWithTableName:self.tableName];
DynamoDBCondition *condition = [[DynamoDBCondition alloc] init];
[condition setComparisonOperator:@"GT"];
NSString *key = [[alertView textFieldAtIndex:0] text]; //Returns NSString @"00610"
[request setScanFilterValue:condition forKey:key];
DynamoDBScanResponse *response = [self.dbClient scan:request];
The attempted filter operation is not supported for the provided filter argument count
最佳答案 条件要求条件名称的特定大小的AttributeValueList基于条件的名称;此错误表示您尝试使用错误数量的attributeValues使用GT(大于).大于需要1个属性值,因此可能提供0或2.
NOT_NULL 0 (exists)
NULL 0 (not exists)
EQ 1 (equal)
NE 1 (not equal)
IN 1 (exact matches)
LE 1 (less than or equal to)
LT 1 (less than)
GE 1 (greater than or equal to)
GT 1 (greater than)
CONTAINS 1 (substring or value in a set)
NOT_CONTAINS 1 (absence of a substring or absence of a value in a set)
BEGINS_WITH 1 (a substring prefix)
BETWEEN 2 (between)