codeplex.com中sharepoint 2010的示例项目

我想要任何示例项目来了解有关sharepoint 2010的更多信息.我在谷歌搜索.但没有找到任何可下载的项目.我想会在,任何人都可以建议我在codeplex或任何其他网站上下载的项目名称或链接.在codeplex中有很多项目,因此选择项目很困难.如果有人知道标题或者已经下载过,那么对于那些正在寻找类似事物的人来说,我的工作将变得非常容易和有用.这个问题可能是偏离主题的,但我没有其他选择来获得帮助.


最佳答案 微软提供
101 Code Samples for SharePoint 2010 – 下载并研究它们,你会更聪明;-)

Each code sample is part of the SharePoint 2010 101 code samples
project. These samples are provided so that you can incorporate them
directly in your code.

Each code sample consists of a standalone
project created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and demonstrates a
distinct feature or feature set. Each sample includes comments
describing the sample and the expected results. Each sample also
contains comments that explain how to set up your environment so that
the sample code runs, where necessary.

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 gives you the tools needed to create powerful applications. These
managed code (C#, VB.NET, JavaScript, XML) samples can assist you in
creating your own applications that perform specific functions or as a
starting point to create more complex solutions.
