def startup():
print "Welcome to the Text Based Hockey League!"
print "You will be tasked with being a team's General Manager"
yourTeam = raw_input()
class tbhl:
def __init__(self):
self.teamList["Mustangs", "Wolves", "Indians", "Tigers", "Bears", "Eagles", yourTeam]
class game:
def __init__(self, homeScore, awayScore):
#games left in a team class
startup() #<-The line that the error points to
tbhl = tbhl()
print tbhl.teamList[7]
最佳答案 当您将注释掉的块作为函数的唯一代码时,请使用关键字pass来防止此错误.任何开始新行缩进的代码块都不能留空(或只有注释.)
class game:
def __init__(self, homeScore, awayScore):
#games left in a team class