python – 来自scipy.special的fadeeva函数的二阶导数

我想计算Fadeeva函数special.wofz的二阶导数. Fadeeva函数与误差函数密切相关.因此,如果有人更熟悉erf,那么答案是值得赞赏的.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import wofz

def Z(x):
    return wofz(x)

## first derivative of wofz (analytically)
def Zp(x):
    return -2/1j/np.pi**0.5 - 2*x*Z(x)

##second derivative (analytically)
def Zpp(x):
    return (Z(x)+x*Zp(x))*x

x = np.float64(np.linspace(1e4,14e4,1000))

plt.plot(x, Zpp(x).imag,"-")

Zpp_num=np.diff(Zp(x))/np.diff(x)  ##calc numerically the second derivative


《python – 来自scipy.special的fadeeva函数的二阶导数》



最佳答案 按照@Andras Deak的回答,您可以分析地找出高x扩展,然后使用一些简单的平滑在它和scipy函数之间进行插值.实际上有两个术语在高x扩展中取消,所以你必须要小心一点.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import wofz

def Z(x):
    return wofz(x)

## first derivative of wofz (analytically)
def Zp(x):
    return -2/1j/np.pi**0.5 - 2*x*Z(x)

def dawsn_expansion(x):
    # Accurate to order x^-9, or, relative to the first term x^-8
    # So when x > 100, this will be as accurate as you can get with
    # double floating point precision.
    y = 0.5 * x**-2
    return 1/(2*x) * (1 + y * (1 + 3*y * (1 + 5*y * (1 + 7*y))))

def dawsn_expansion_drop_first(x):
    y = 0.5 * x**-2
    return 1/(2*x) * (0 + y * (1 + 3*y * (1 + 5*y * (1 + 7*y))))

def dawsn_expansion_drop_first_two(x):
    y = 0.5 * x**-2
    return 1/(2*x) * (0 + y * (0 + 3*y * (1 + 5*y * (1 + 7*y))))

def blend(x, a, b):
    # Smoothly blend x from 0 at a to 1 at b
    y = (x - a) / (b - a)
    y *= (y > 0)
    y = y * (y <= 1) + 1 * (y > 1)
    return y*y * (3 - 2*y)

def g(x):
    """Calculate `x + (1-2x^2) D(x)`, where D(x) is the dawson function"""
    # For x < 50, use dawsn from scipy
    # For x > 100, use dawsn expansion
    b = blend(x, 50, 100)
    y1 = x + (1 - 2*x**2) * special.dawsn(x)
    y2 = dawsn_expansion_drop_first(x) - dawsn_expansion_drop_first_two(x) * 2*x**2
    return b*y2 + (1-b)*y1

def Zpp(x):
    # only return the imaginary component
    return -4j/np.pi**0.5 * g(x)

x = np.logspace(0, 5, 2000)
dx = 1e-3
plt.plot(x, (Zp(x+dx) - Zp(x-dx)).imag/(2*dx))
plt.plot(x, Zpp(x).imag)
ax = plt.gca()

《python – 来自scipy.special的fadeeva函数的二阶导数》

