// A small (WIDTH_MAX:100) window in the center of the screen. If it matters
const CGSize screenSize = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size;
const CGRect rect = CGRectMake(((int)(screenSize.width - WIDTH_MAX)*0.5),
((int)(screenSize.height - WIDTH_MAX)*0.5), WIDTH_MAX, WIDTH_MAX);
overlayWindow = [[CustomWindow alloc] initWithFrame:rect];
overlayWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelStatusBar; //1000.0
overlayWindow.hidden = NO; // I don't need it to be the key (no makeKeyAndVisible)
- (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
// Find the front most window (with the highest window level) and
// call this method on that window. It should will make the event be
// forwarded to it
// Situation1: This method is called twice (or even more, it depend
// on the number of windows the app has) per event: Why? Is this the
// *normal* behaviour?
NSLog(@" ");
NSLog(@"Point: %@ Event: %p\n", NSStringFromCGPoint(point), event);
UIView *view = nil;
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.bounds, point)) {
NSLog(@"inside window\n");
NSArray *wins = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
__block UIWindow *frontMostWin = nil;
[wins enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"win: %@\n", obj);
if ([obj windowLevel] >= [frontMostWin windowLevel] && obj != self) {
frontMostWin = obj;
NSLog(@"frontMostWindow:%@\n finding a new view ...\n", frontMostWin);
CGPoint p = [frontMostWindow convertPoint:point fromWindow:self];
view = [frontMostWindow hitTest:p withEvent:event];
// Situation2: sometimes view is nil here, Is that correct?
NSLog(@"resultView: %@\n", view);
return view;
>如果hitTest:withEvent:总是返回nil它也可以.这只是在我调用overlayWindow.hidden = NO时;
>如果我在hitTest中调用[overlayWindow makeKeyAndVisible]返回nil:withEvent:并不总是有效.它看起来像一个关键窗口需要正确实现命中测试方法?
最佳答案 frontMostWindow是指frontMostWin吗?
view = [frontMostWindow hitTest:p withEvent:event];
> frontMostWindow本身为null(例如,如果您只有一个窗口)
> p是ouside frontMostWindow边界(例如,当frontMostWindow是键盘而你的触摸在其他地方时)
> frontMostWindow将属性userInteractionEnabled设置为NO;