我的Facebook应用程序也适用于iOS / Android应用程序?

可以在iOS /
android FB应用程序中使用自定义FB Web应用程序吗?文件不是很清楚.您可以为本机应用程序创建书签,但我希望有一个书签指向我们的自定义FB Web应用程序画布.目标是开发一个可在所有平台上使用的应用程序. 最佳答案 我一直在做一些测试,我无法从Facebook应用程序或网页执行非本机应用程序,并且从移动设备加载Facebook网页在PC模式下并不容易.

official Facebook documentation for iOS说:

When a user does a search in the Facebook app your app will be visible if it passes a usage threshold. The search results will display apps that have been configured for SSO support. When the user selects your app from the search results they will be directed to your app. If the user had previously authorized your app they will be authenticated when your app is launched.

