c# – Facebook社交图谱API:“烦人或辱骂”错误信息

我从Social Graph API获得了以下异常:

(OAuthException) Block! You are engaging in behavior that may be
considered annoying or abusive by other users.: You have been blocked
from Body of an error/warning message. Title is: Block! You are
engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by
other users. because you repeatedly misused this feature. This block
will last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. When you are
allowed to reuse this feature, please proceed with caution. Further
misuse may result in your account being permanently disabled. For
further information, please visit our {= FAQ page}.



我没有回复API,所以我不知道如何违反任何滥用/烦恼规则.起初我以为我可能已经超过了速率限制,但是this thread说这个异常消息看起来像这样:

Facebook.GraphAPIError: (#613) Calls to stream have exceeded the rate of 600 calls per 600 seconds.


>(calls / eventId)获取事件详细信息
>(calls / pageId)如果事件的位置引用了Facebook的位置页面,则获取事件位置的位置页面
>(calls / eventId / attennding)获取正在参加或可能参加的用户个人资料的ID
>(calls /?ids = …)获取正在参加或可能参加的用户的用户个人资料.

我正在使用Facebook C# SDK.我的所有电话都包含一个访问令牌(来自我的个人用户个人资料).

最佳答案 这不是你的应用程序被阻止,它是你的用户被阻止.您的用户被Facebook的自动化系统识别为机器人(实际上它实际上是).下一步 – 您的用户将被禁止访问Facebook.您正在通过单个用户从Facebook收集过多的电话来收集数据.您需要重新考虑您的应用目的,以及您需要将此数据调用到存储,或者您的用户可以从API获取它.这里的大多数攻击性呼叫都是每个事件的/ eventId / atte和ids.在千个事件上称它为千次,用户将被阻止.
