.net – Visual Studio插件,用于简化编辑命令行参数

C#和其他项目的项目属性页面上的命令行参数编辑器非常小,难以使用.例如,你crtl-a没有选择所有的行.是否有一个加载项来简化命令行参数编辑? 最佳答案 是的,有:查看CLI args(


“Command Line Arguments Made Easy (CLIArgsMadeEasy) is a Visual Studio
Add-in that eases the access and change of the startup project’s
command line arguments. Instead of having to go to project properties
or instead of using the command window to run your program with
different arguments, CLIArgsMadeEasy adds a field in the toolbar for
you to edit and saves everything you enter. A button is also added
that opens a console window in the project’s working directory or home
directory (if there’s no working directory set for this project).”
