

Java is a programming language
originally developed by James Gosling
at Sun Microsystems (which is now a
subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and
released in 1995 as a core component
of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform.
The language derives much of its
syntax from C and C++ but has a
simpler object model and fewer
low-level facilities. Java
applications are typically compiled to
bytecode (class file) that can run on
any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
regardless of computer architecture.
Java is a general-purpose, concurrent,
class-based …


Java is a programming language
originally developed by James Gosling
at Sun Microsystems Java
applications are typically compiled to
bytecode (class file) that can run on
any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

>我可以使用哪些工具以及如何使用它们来获得上述结果. Commons,Lucene,指南针?

最佳答案 我不知道有任何工具可以帮助解决这个问题,但我可以提供一种算法,可以给你相当不错的结果. *编辑:OP要求索引的示例代码.我使用
Trove TIntObjectHashMap存储此信息,但您可以使用Java HashMap执行相同操作.


TIntObjectHashMap<String> matchIndex = new TIntObjectHashMap<String>();
// for each word or other string to highlight
// find each instance of each word in the string
// this is pseudocode -v
for (each instance of String searchString appearing at index int x)
  matchIndex.put(x, searchString);


// class to hold a match
private class Match implements Comparable {
  private int x1, x2;
  private int hitCount;

  public Match(int x1, int x2, int hitCount); // does the obvious

  private double sortValue() {
    return (double) hitCount / Math.abs(x1, x2);

  public int compareTo(Match m) {
    double diff = this.sortValue() - m.sortValue();
    if (diff == 0.0) return 0;
    return (diff < 0.0) ? -1 : 1;

// go through every combination of keys (string offsets) and record them
// the treeset will automatically sort the results
TreeSet<Match> matches = new TreeSet<Match>();
int[] keys = matchIndex.keys();
for (int x1 = 0; x1 < keys.length; x1++)
  for (int x2 = x1 + 1; x2 < keys.length; x2++)
    matches.put(new Match(keys[x1],
                          keys[x2] + matchIndex.get(keys[x2]).length(),
                          1 + x2 - x1));


// nicely done by the TreeSet


