javascript – 从IE6更新到IE7时实际上有什么问题?




最佳答案 我认为两者之间实际上没有任何重大变化.例如,通过支持IE7,jQuery基本上支持IE6,因为它们非常相似.但IE7显然确实引入了一些在IE6中找不到的新bug(不幸的是,我不能告诉你它们是什么).


Q: The need to support Internet Explorer 6 and some of those older browsers, how much of that is holding back jQuery, and one day when you can get away from that, how much more capability do you think it will bring to jQuery?

John Resig: If we dropped support for IE6 today, absolutely nothing would change, at least for jQuery core. jQuery UI might be able to benefit more. The JavaScript engine and the DOM engine in their export did not change between 6 and 7. That is a bit of a lie. They did change. They introduced two bugs in IE7. It’s really frustrating. In our case, it would be better to drop IE7 support than IE6. The reality is that from my perspective, IE6 is the same as IE7. IE7 is shipping in IE8. IE8 is going to be around for a very long time. There is no reason to drop any of these.
