
我有两组数据(3列:x =分类,y =数字,l =位置)我想创建一个条形图,其中x轴上的类别,对于类别的每个值,两个垂直条,颜色不同,每个位置的y值.默认情况下,Excel / OpenOffice会生成此类图表.


qplot (x,y,data=mydata,col=location, geom="histogram")




Name Description
abline - Line, specified by slope and intercept
area - Area plots
bar - Bars, rectangles with bases on y-axis
blank - Blank, draws nothing
boxplot - Box-and-whisker plot
contour - Display contours of a 3d surface in 2d
crossbar - Hollow bar with middle indicated by horizontal line
density - Display a smooth density estimate
density_2d - Contours from a 2d density estimate
errorbar - Error bars
histogram - Histogram
hline - Line, horizontal
interval - Base for all interval (range) geoms
jitter - Points, jittered to reduce overplotting
line - Connect observations, in order of x value
linerange - An interval represented by a vertical line
path - Connect observations, in original order
point - Points, as for a scatterplot
pointrange - An interval represented by a vertical line, with a point
in the middle
polygon - Polygon, a filled path
quantile - Add quantile lines from a quantile regression
ribbon - Ribbons, y range with continuous x values
rug - Marginal rug plots
segment - Single line segments
smooth - Add a smoothed condition mean
step - Connect observations by stairs
text - Textual annotations
tile - Tile plot as densely as possible, assuming that every tile is the same size
vline - Line, vertical

最佳答案 有一个position参数默认为堆叠在这里.使用:

qplot (x,y,data=mydata,col=location, geom="bar", position="dodge") 

