price 1.5
description Some text about the
product written here
and will expand the
height of this column
availability Yes
Feature Some feature about
the product
最佳答案 正如Cletus关于你的问题的评论所说……用一张桌子.表有一个有效的用途,如果这不是一个,那么什么都没有 – 显示这种类型的数据是它们被实现的确切原因.
<style type="text/css">
table.product td, table.product th {vertical-align: top; padding: 5px;}
<table class="product" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="250">
<td>Some text about the product written here and will expand the height of this column</td>
<td>Some feature about the product</td>