

> RDBM和SQL选项(太占用空间)
> RDF和SPARQL选项(太慢)




最佳答案 你没有给我们足够的信息来回答一个深思熟虑的答案.例如:这些图表的大小是多少?您期望查询这些图表的频率是多少?您是否需要对这些查询进行实时响应?有关您的应用程序的用途,目的是什么的更多信息将会有所帮助.


> Graph Transformation in Relational Databases(.pdf),作者:G.Varro,K.Friedl,D.Varro,于International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools (GraBaTs) 2004年提出;

5 Conclusion and Future Work

In the paper, we proposed a new graph transformation engine based on off-the-shelf
relational databases. After sketching the main concepts of our approach, we carried
out several test cases to evaluate our prototype implementation by comparing it to
the transformation engines of the AGG [5] and PROGRES [18] tools.

The main conclusion that can be drawn from our experiments is that relational
databases provide a promising candidate as an implementation framework for graph
transformation engines. We call attention to the fact that our promising experimental
results were obtained using a worst-case assessment method i.e. by recalculating
the views of the next rule to be applied from scratch which is still highly inefficient,
especially, for model transformations with a large number of independent matches
of the same rule. …

> Incremental SQL Queries(这里不止一篇论文,你应该专注于“维护SQL中图形的传递关闭”):“

.. we showed that transitive closure, alternating paths, same generation, and other recursive queries, can be maintained in SQL if some auxiliary relations are allowed. In fact, they can all be maintained using at most auxiliary relations of arity 2. ..

> Incremental Maintenance of Shortest Distance and Transitive Closure in First Order Logic and SQL.


