php – 使用laravel elequent在MySQL中搜索波斯语字符串


$products->where('title', 'like', '%' . $request->title . '%');



最佳答案 将归类UTF8_general_ci更改为latin1_swedish_ci

Collations have these general characteristics:

Two different character sets cannot have the same collation.

Each character set has one collation that is the default collation. For example, the default collation for latin1 is latin1_swedish_ci. The output for SHOW CHARACTER SET indicates which collation is the default for each displayed character set.

There is a convention for collation names: They start with the name of the character set with which they are associated, they usually include a language name, and they end with _ci (case insensitive), _cs (case sensitive), or _bin (binary).

In cases where a character set has multiple collations, it might not be clear which collation is most suitable for a given application. To avoid choosing the wrong collation, it can be helpful to perform some comparisons with representative data values to make sure that a given collation sorts values the way you expect.

