c – 在显式实例化期间什么时候不完整类型没问题?


#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename T>
class Foo {
    std::unique_ptr<T> _x;
    Foo();  // will initialize _x

此外,我希望能够隐藏来自Foo< T>的用户的T的实现细节. (对于PIMPL pattern).对于单翻译单元示例,假设我有

struct Bar;  // to be defined later

extern template class Foo<Bar>;
// or just imagine the code after main() is in a separate translation unit...

int main() {
    Foo<Bar> f;  // usable even though Bar is incomplete
    return 0;

// delayed definition of Bar and instantiation of Foo<Bar>:

template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x(std::make_unique<T>()) { }

template class Foo<Bar>;
struct Bar {
    // lengthy definition here...


struct Base {};

template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x(std::make_unique<T>()) {
    // error: incomplete type 'Bar' used in type trait expression
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "T must inherit from Base");


template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x(std::make_unique<T>()) {
    // error: static_cast from 'Bar *' to 'Base *', which are not related by inheritance, is not allowed
    // note: 'Bar' is incomplete


template<typename Base, typename T>
void RequireIsBaseOf() {
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "T must inherit from Base");

// seems to work as expected
template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x((RequireIsBaseOf<Base, T>(), std::make_unique<T>())) { }


// error: incomplete type 'Bar' used in type trait expression
template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x((std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, std::make_unique<T>())) { }

这里发生了什么?附加函数是否以某种方式延迟了static_assert的检查?是否有一个更清洁的解决方案,不涉及添加功能,但仍然允许放置模板类Foo< Bar&gt ;;在定义Bar之前?

最佳答案 版本1

// #1
// POI for Foo<Bar>: class templates with no dependent types are instantiated at correct scope BEFORE call, with no further lookup 
// after first parse
int main() {
    Foo<Bar> f;  // usable even though Bar is incomplete
    return 0;

// delayed definition of Bar and instantiation of Foo<Bar>:

struct Base {};

// error: incomplete type 'Bar' used in type trait expression
template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x(std::make_unique<T>()) {
    // error: incomplete type 'Bar' used in type trait expression
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "T must inherit from Base");
// #2
// POI for static_assert: function templates with no dependent types are
// instantiated at correct scope AFTER call, but no further lookup is
// performed, as with class templates without dependent types
// is_base_of forces the compiler to generate a complete type here

template class Foo<Bar>;
struct Bar : private Base {
    // lengthy definition here...


    struct Base {};
template<typename Base, typename T>
void RequireIsBaseOf() {
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, T>::value, "T must inherit from Base");

// seems to work as expected
template<typename T>
Foo<T>::Foo() : _x((RequireIsBaseOf<Base, T>(), std::make_unique<T>())) { }
// #3
// is_base_of does not force any complete type, as so far, only the 
// incomplete type of RequiredIsBaseOf is around.

template class Foo<Bar>;
struct Bar : private Base {
    // lengthy definition here...
// #3
// POI for RequiredIsBaseOf: function templates WITH dependent types are instantiated at correct scope AFTER call, after the second phase of two-phase lookup is performed. 


In practice, most commpilers delay the actual instantiation of most function templates to the end of the translation unit. Some instantiations cannot be delayed, including cases where instantiation is needed to determine a deduced return type and cases where the function is constexpr and must be evaluated to produce constant result. Some compilers instantiate inline functions when they’re first used to potentially inline the call right away. This effectively removes the POIs of the corresponding template specializations to the end of the translation unit, which is permitted by the C++ standard as an alternative POI (from C++ Templates, The Complete Guide, 2nd Ed., 14.3.2. Points of Instantiation, p.254)


正如t.niese所述,任何版本的godbolt上的gcc都可以采用-std = c 17标志.我的猜测是gcc做了最晚的POI之一,而clang使用了第一个合法的,#2.使用具有依赖名称的函数模板(当首次遇到RequiredIsBaseOf时,仍然必须填写T)强制clang对依赖类型执行第二次查找运行,此时遇到了Bar.

