c – \u0026\u0026,基于范围的循环和临时工作如何一起工作?


We can also capture as a forwarding reference using auto&&. That is,
auto&& will resolve to auto& for lvalue references, and auto&& for
rvalud references. Here is an example of capturing the output from a
range-based for loop over a temporary map.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>

std::map<std::string, int> get_map()
    return {
        { "hello", 1 },
        { "world", 2 },
        { "it's",  3 },
        { "me",    4 },

int main() {
    for (auto&& [ k, v ] : get_map())
        std::cout << "k=" << k << " v=" << v << '\n';

最佳答案 auto&& amp;有两种不同的用途.在这个例子中,一个可见,一个隐藏.为了最大限度的冗长,你已经扩展到的循环:

    auto&& __range = get_map(); // the temporary get_map() is bound to a reference, which 
                                // extends its lifetime to the lifetime of the reference
                                // decltype(__range) is std::map<std::string, int>&&

    auto __begin = __range.begin();
    auto __end = __range.end();     // potential different type from __begin since C++17
    for (; __begin != __end; ++__begin) {
        auto&& __elem = *__begin;  // this is your structured binding declaration
                                   // *__begin is an lvalue, so decltype(__elem) is
                                   // std::pair<std::string const, int> const&

        // the actual destructuring here
        std::string const& k = std::get<0>(__elem);    
        int const& v         = std::get<1>(__elem);

        // now your body
        std::cout << "k=" << k << " v=" << v << '\n';


why it’s ok to move from a temporary that is being iterated.



I do understand the decaying of auto&& to auto& if the value referred to is an lvalue

不太正确.首先,它不被称为“衰变” – 例如,当你将一个数组传递给一个函数时,衰变就会发生 – 它会衰变成一个指针.此外,汽车&&不会崩溃成汽车&.只是,如果初始化程序是左值,则自动&&和汽车&表现方式相同.如果初始化程序是右值,则auto&&工作(并产生右值参考)而汽车&无法编译.
