pyspark – spark join引发“检测到INNER加入的笛卡尔积”

我有一个数据框,我想为每一行添加new_col = max(some_column0)按其他列1分组:

maxs = df0.groupBy("catalog").agg(max("row_num").alias("max_num")).withColumnRenamed("catalog", "catalogid")
df0.join(maxs, df0.catalog == maxs.catalogid).take(4)


AnalysisException: u’Detected cartesian product for INNER join between
logical plans\nProject … Use the CROSS JOIN syntax to allow
cartesian products between these relations.;’


获取此错误的可能方法:我将DF保存到Hive表,然后再次从表中选择init DF.或者用hive查询替换这两个字符串 – 无论如何.但我不想拯救DF.

最佳答案 如
Why does spark think this is a cross/cartesian join所述,它可能是由以下原因引起的:

This happens because you join structures sharing the same lineage and this leads to a trivially equal condition.

至于笛卡尔积如何产生?你可以参考Identifying and Eliminating the Dreaded Cartesian Product.
