我应该在Android Studio的Gradle中将某些依赖项移动到“runtime”吗?

Android Studio中使用


This project contains lint violations. A complete listing of the
violations follows.  Because none were serious, the build's overall
status was unaffected.

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:43 compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:44 compile 'com.android.support:design:24.1.0'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:45 compile 'com.android.support:cardview-v7:24.1.0'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:52 compile

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:53 compile 'com.github.dexafree:materiallist:3.2.1'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:54 compile 'com.android.volley:volley:1.0.0'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:55 compile 'com.cocosw:bottomsheet:1.+@aar'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:57 compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:+'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:58 compile 'com.github.shem8:material-login:1.4.0'

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
compile('com.github.ozodrukh:CircularReveal:1.3.1@aar') {
    transitive = true; }

this dependency should be moved to the runtime configuration since it
has no classes warning   unused-dependency                 
app/build.gradle:74 compile 'com.github.rey5137:material:1.2.4'

? app/build.gradle: 11 problems (0 errors, 11 warnings)

To apply fixes automatically, run fixGradleLint, review, and commit
the changes.


我应该接受建议吗?如果这些依赖项应该在运行时,为什么每个依赖项wiki / doc都没有这么说并且坚持告诉我们将依赖项放在编译中?

编辑:我尝试接受建议,换句话说,将关键字编译更改为运行时,如运行时’com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0′.但是,Android Studio暗示了这一点

Error:Could not find method runtime() for arguments
[com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0] on object of type

Please install the Android Support Repository from the Android SDK
Manager. <a href="openAndroidSdkManager">Open Android SDK Manager</a>


最佳答案 我相信apk是运行时的android,例如:

apk 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0'



