
我有一个支持不同语言的iOS应用程序,它使用LTR Storyboard和RTL Storyboard,并从Plists中读取.当我在带有英文iOS版本的设备上运行应用程序时,在语言之间切换时,一切看起来都很完美.但是当我将iPhone OS语言改为RTL语言时.用户界面搞砸了.




LTR iOS语言设备上的RTL语言,即英语

RTL iOS语言设备上的RTL语言

最佳答案 这是因为您使用前导和尾随约束.


这是Apple帮助我们轻松处理RTL / LTR的方式:[在您的情况下,不是那么多……


Semantic Content

If you lay out your views using leading and trailing constraints, the
views automatically flip positions when switching between
left-to-right languages (like English) and right-to-left languages
(like Arabic). However, some interface elements should not change
their position based on the reading direction. For example, buttons
that are based on physical directions (up, down, left, and right)
should always stay in the same relative orientation.

The view’s semanticContentAttribute property determines whether the
view’s content should flip when switching between left-to-right and
right-to-left languages.

In interface builder, set the Semantic option in the Attribute
inspector. If the value is Unspecified, the view’s content flips with
the reading direction. If it is set to Spatial, Playback, or Force
Left-to-Right, the content is always laid out with the leading edges
to the left and trailing edges to the right. Force Right-to-Left
always lays out the content with the leading edges to the right and
the trailing edges to the left.
