c# – FluentValidation:如何将所有验证消息放在一个位置?


public class StocksValidator : AbstractValidator<Stocks>
        public StocksValidator()
            RuleFor(x => x.SellerId).GreaterThan(1).WithMessage("SellerId should be greater than 1")
                                    .LessThan(100).WithMessage("SellerId should be less than 100");
            RuleFor(x => x.SellerType).GreaterThan(101).WithMessage("SellerType should be greater than 101")
                                    .LessThan(200).WithMessage("SellerType should be less than 200");
            RuleFor(x => x.SourceId).GreaterThan(201).WithMessage("SourceId should be greater than 201")
                                    .LessThan(300).WithMessage("SourceId should be less than 300");


>在web api中使用本地化,具有流畅的验证.这有什么好处.我在哪里找到它的好教程?

最佳答案 如果您需要更改内置规则的默认消息,这将影响包含此规则的所有验证程序 – 请执行以下步骤:


ValidatorOptions.ResourceProviderType = typeof(MyResourceProvider);


// create MyResourceProvider.resx to auto-generate this class in MyResourceProvider.Designer.cs file (support multiple cultures out of box),
// or create class manually and specify messages in code
public class MyResourceProvider {
   public static string greaterthan_error {
      get { 
          return "{PropertyName} should be greater than {ComparisonValue}, but you entered {PropertyValue}";
   public static string lessthan_error {
      get { 
          return "{PropertyName} should be less than {ComparisonValue}";


RuleFor(x => x.SellerId).GreaterThan(1).WithName("Seller identidier") 
// outputs "Seller identidier should be greater than 1, but you entered 0"

您可以在FluentValidation github找到更多信息:

1. Localization – 在这里您可以找到有关本地化消息的方法(如WithLocalizedMessage方法)以及资源名称的更多信息,这些信息应该在MyResourceProvider中用作属性名称.

2. Built in Validators – 在这里,您可以找到应在错误消息字符串中使用的所有验证规则的替换名称.

3. Messages.resx – 此处放置了错误消息的默认资源文件.
