深入理解Java虚拟机(3)—— 内存分配与回收策略


1.1 对象优先在Eden分配



public class testAllocation {

    private static final int _1MB = 1024 * 1024;

     * V M 参数 : -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xms20M -Xmx20M -Xmn10M -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
     *  -XX:+UseSerialGC 设置使用Serial + Serial Old 收集器组合
     *  -Xms20M -Xmx20M -Xmn10M  限制Java堆大小为20M,10M分配给新生代,10M分配给老年代
     *  -XX:+PrintGCDetails 打印GC日志
     *  -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 决定Eden区与一个Survivor区的空间比例是 8 : 1 新生代总可用9M(Eden区 + 1个Survivor区)
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        byte[] allocation1, allocation2, allocation3, allocation4;
        allocation1 = new byte[2 * _1MB];
        allocation2 = new byte[2 * _1MB];
        allocation3 = new byte[2 * _1MB];

        allocation4 = new byte[4 * _1MB]; // 出现Minor GC

    当为allocation4分配对象时会发生Minor GC,GC导致新生代6309K变为660K,总占用量并没有减少(因为allocation1,allocation2,allocation3三个对象都是存活的,没有可回收的对象)。GC发生原因是新生代Eden还剩 9M – 6M – 1M= 2M,不够分配allocation4。GC期间虚拟机又发现已有的3个2MB大小的对象无法放入Survivor空间,所以只好提前转移到老年代中。


[GC (Allocation Failure) [DefNew: 6309K->660K(9216K), 0.0028223 secs] 6309K->4756K(19456K), 0.0028566 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
 def new generation   total 9216K, used 7042K [0x00000000fec00000, 0x00000000ff600000, 0x00000000ff600000)
  eden space 8192K,  77% used [0x00000000fec00000, 0x00000000ff23b5f0, 0x00000000ff400000)
  from space 1024K,  64% used [0x00000000ff500000, 0x00000000ff5a53a8, 0x00000000ff600000)
  to space 1024K,   0% used [0x00000000ff400000, 0x00000000ff400000, 0x00000000ff500000)
 tenured generation   total 10240K, used 4096K [0x00000000ff600000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
   the space 10240K,  40% used [0x00000000ff600000, 0x00000000ffa00020, 0x00000000ffa00200, 0x0000000100000000)
 Metaspace       used 3496K, capacity 4498K, committed 4864K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 387K, capacity 390K, committed 512K, reserved 1048576K

1.2 大对象直接进入老年代


1.3 长期存活的对象进入老年代

    虚拟机给每个对象定义一个对象年龄计数器,如果对象在Eden区出生并经过一次Minor GC后仍然存活,并且能被Survivor所容纳的话,将会被移动到Survivor空间中,并且对象年龄设置为1。对象在Survivor区每经过一次Minor GC,年龄加1岁。当年龄到一定的程度(默认15),就会被晋升到老年代。

    对象晋升老年代的年龄阈值,可以通过-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold 设置。

1.4 动态对象年龄判定


public class TestTenuringThreshold {

    private static final Integer _1MB = 1024 * 1024;

     *  V M 参数 :  -verbose:gc -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xms20M -Xmx20M -Xmn10M -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
     *              -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution
     *  -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 设置新生代晋升老年代阈值
     *  -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution 得到更详细的GC输出

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        byte[] allocation1, allocation2, allocation3, allocation4;
        allocation1 = new byte[_1MB / 4];
        allocation2 = new byte[_1MB / 4];
        // allocation1 + allocation2 大于survivor空间一半
        allocation3 = new byte[4 * _1MB];
        allocation4 = new byte[4 * _1MB];
        allocation4 = null;
        allocation4 = new byte[4 * _1MB];


Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 15)
- age   1:    1048576 bytes,    1048576 total
: 6630K->1024K(9216K), 0.0032294 secs] 6630K->5213K(19456K), 0.0032646 secs] [Times: user=0.02 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
Desired survivor size 524288 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age   1:        136 bytes,        136 total
: 5204K->0K(9216K), 0.0015459 secs] 9393K->5213K(19456K), 0.0015618 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs] 
Disconnected from the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
 def new generation   total 9216K, used 4178K [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa400000)
  eden space 8192K,  51% used [0x00000000f9a00000, 0x00000000f9e14820, 0x00000000fa200000)
  from space 1024K,   0% used [0x00000000fa200000, 0x00000000fa200088, 0x00000000fa300000)
  to   space 1024K,   0% used [0x00000000fa300000, 0x00000000fa300000, 0x00000000fa400000)
 tenured generation   total 10240K, used 5213K [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fae00000)
   the space 10240K,  50% used [0x00000000fa400000, 0x00000000fa917428, 0x00000000fa917600, 0x00000000fae00000)
 compacting perm gen  total 21248K, used 3050K [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fc2c0000, 0x0000000100000000)
   the space 21248K,  14% used [0x00000000fae00000, 0x00000000fb0fa920, 0x00000000fb0faa00, 0x00000000fc2c0000)
No shared spaces configured.

1.5 空间分配担保

    在发生Minor GC之前,虚拟机会先检查老年代最大可用连续空间是否大于新生代所有对象总空间,如果条件成立,Minor GC确保是安全的。如果不成立,虚拟机会查看HandlePromotionFailure设置是否允许担保,如果允许,会继续检查老年代最大可用连续空间是否大于历次晋升到老年代对象平均大小,大于,尝试进行Minor GC,存在风险;小于,或者不允许,直接进行Full GC。 JDK 1.6 Update 24 之后,HandlePromotionFailure不再使用。规则变为只要老年代的连续空间大于新生代对象总大小或者历次晋升的平均大小进行Minor GC,否则进行Full GC。

    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33460562/article/details/80254998