java – 在集群环境中创建Quartz触发器

Related: Quartz Clustering – triggers duplicated when the server starts

我正在使用Quartz Scheduler来管理基于java的集群环境中的预定作业.在任何给定时间,集群中都有一些节点,它们都运行Quartz,由postgresql数据库中的数据存储支持,所有节点都连接到该数据库.


private void createOrUpdateJob(JobKey jobKey, Class<? extends org.quartz.Job> clazz, Trigger trigger) throws SchedulerException {
    JobBuilder jobBuilder = JobBuilder.newJob(clazz).withIdentity(jobKey);
    if (!scheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) {
        // if the job doesn't already exist, we can create it, along with its trigger. this prevents us
        // from creating multiple instances of the same job when running in a clustered environment
        scheduler.scheduleJob(, trigger);
        log.error("SCHEDULED JOB WITH KEY " + jobKey.toString());
    } else {
        // if the job has exactly one trigger, we can just reschedule it, which allows us to update the schedule for
        // that trigger.
        List<? extends Trigger> triggers = scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(jobKey);
        if (triggers.size() == 1) {
            scheduler.rescheduleJob(triggers.get(0).getKey(), trigger);

        // if for some reason the job has multiple triggers, it's easiest to just delete and re-create the job,
        // since we want to enforce a one-to-one relationship between jobs and triggers
        scheduler.scheduleJob(, trigger);





最佳答案 我不确定在Quartz中是否有更好的方法可以做到这一点.但是如果您已经在使用Redis或Memcache,我建议让所有实例对着众所周知的密钥执行
atomic increment.如果您粘贴的代码应该每小时每个群集只运行一个作业,则可以执行以下操作:

long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 / 60 / 60;
String key = String.format("%s_%d", jobId, timestamp);

// this will only be true for one instance in the cluster per (job, timestamp) tuple
bool shouldExecute = redis.incr(key) == 1

if (shouldExecute) {
  // run the mutually exclusive code

