


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
const int buffer_size = 30;

void Create_Bin_File ()
ifstream fin ("example.txt");  
ofstream fout ("Binary.bin", ios::binary); 
const unsigned int RECORD_SIZE = 30; // was BUFFER_SIZE
char buffer[RECORD_SIZE] = {0}; // zero init buffer

while (fin.getline (buffer, RECORD_SIZE))
fout.write (buffer, RECORD_SIZE);
// refill buffer with zeroes for next time round
fill_n (buffer, RECORD_SIZE, 0);
fin.close ();
fout.close ();

void Binary_Search (const string& filename, string SearchVal)
ifstream file (filename.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (file.is_open())
    cout << "The file is opened"<< endl;
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "Error opening file"<< endl;
    cout << "\n";
    return; // no point continuing Binary_Search() if file failed to open!
const unsigned int RECORD_SIZE = 30; // was BUFFER_SIZE
char buffer[RECORD_SIZE] = {0}; // zero init buffer
int recordCount  =  0;
int recordWanted = -1;
while (file.read(buffer, RECORD_SIZE))
    if(SearchVal == buffer)

        recordWanted = recordCount;
        // if this was just a naive search loop could bail out now...
    cout << recordCount << " : " << buffer << "\n";

    // refill buffer with zeroes for next time round
    fill_n (buffer, RECORD_SIZE, 0);

cout << "\n";
cout << "file contains " << recordCount << " records\n";
cout << "\n";
if (recordWanted == -1)

    cout << "record wanted could not be found\n";

    cout << "record wanted is at index " << recordWanted << " records\n";
cout << "\n";

int main()

string word;
cout << "Enter word, that you want to find in a file: " << endl;
cin >> word;

Binary_Search("Binary.bin", word);

return 0;

H7.编写一个程序,将所有标准C保留字放在一个有序表中(据我所知,有序表意味着这些单词按字母顺序排列).编写一个函数,使用二进制搜索检查输入字符串(长度为30)是否为C保留字.表应该作为直接访问文件. C保留程序应该从文本文件中读取.“



std::string GetRecord(std::ifstream& inFile, int pos)
char buffer[RECORD_SIZE];
// clear possible flags like EOF, before moving the read position
// set the file read position to the requested record position
inFile.seekg(pos * RECORD_SIZE, std::ios::beg);
inFile.read(buffer, RECORD_SIZE);
// note: automatic conversion from char[] to std::string
return buffer;

和二进制搜索功能:(解决 – 工作!)

void Binary_Search (const string& filename, string SearchVal)
ifstream file (filename.c_str(), ios::binary);
if (file.is_open())
cout << "The file is opened"<< endl;
cout << "\n";
cout << "Error opening file"<< endl;
cout << "\n";
return; // no point continuing Binary_Search() if file failed to open!
int pos = 0;
int lowerLimit = 0;
int recordCount = 73; // Calculated before[I'll change this part, when I get      this function working]
                  // At this point, there's exactly 73 records in .bin file
 char buffer[RECORD_SIZE] = {0}; // zero init buffer (while loop will overwrite with record values)
 int upperLimit = recordCount;
 while ( (lowerLimit < upperLimit) ) // Searching as long as it doesn't find it
    pos = (lowerLimit + upperLimit) / 2;
    std::string buffer = GetRecord(file, pos);

    if (buffer == SearchVal)
        cout << "Found!";
        lowerLimit = 1; // For stopping (If found!)
        upperLimit = 0; // For stopping
    else if (SearchVal > buffer)
        lowerLimit = pos + 1;
    else if (SearchVal < buffer)
     upperLimit = pos;


最佳答案 据我所知,你有一个解决方案,你可以将所有给定的单词从文本文件移动到二进制文件,如果它们存在,你可以在二进制文件中找到单词.



std::string GetRecord(std::ifstream& inFile, int pos)
    char buffer[RECORD_SIZE];
    // clear possible flags like EOF, before moving the read position
    // set the file read position to the requested record position
    inFile.seekg(pos * RECORD_SIZE, std::ios::beg);
    inFile.read(buffer, RECORD_SIZE);
    // note: automatic conversion from char[] to std::string
    return buffer;

对于二进制搜索,您应该为搜索位置定义上限和下限.请注意,上限是lastItemPosition 1,因此您永远不会在基于零的索引中实际访问此位置.

int lowerLimit = 0;
int upperLimit = recordCount; // count when reading the lines in .txt

只要你没找到它就需要搜索结果并且lowerLimit< UPPERLIMIT. 您的下一个搜索词位于position =(lowerLimit upperLimit)/ 2;. 将单词与搜索文本进行比较.在平等方面,你已经完成了. 如果单词小于搜索文本,则结果位置可能比您刚看到的位置更高.所以你需要调整lowerLimit = position 1 如果单词大于搜索文本,则结果位置的索引值可能低于刚看到的值. upperLimit =位置 如上所述,使用调整后的上限和下限重复搜索.
