如何在Asp.Net Core中使用
AJAX for ViewComponent?那就是调用@ Component.Invoke方法(“ComponentName”,SomeData); ViewComponent将涉及各种视图,具体取决于SomeData而不重新启动主视图.
$(function () {
$(Container).load('ControllerName/ControllerAction', {
ArgumentName: ArgumentValue });
public IActionResult ControllerAction(string value)
return ViewComponent("ViewComponent", value);
最佳答案 你的解决方案是对的.
From the docs:
[ViewComponents are] not reachable directly as an HTTP endpoint, they’re invoked from your code (usually in a view). A view component never handles a request.
While view components don’t define endpoints like controllers, you can easily implement a controller action that returns the content of a ViewComponentResult.
正如您所建议的那样,a lightweight controller可以作为ViewComponent的AJAX代理.
public class MyViewComponentController : Controller
public IActionResult Get(int id)
return ViewComponent("MyViewComponent", new { id });