进一步搜索,我发现Visual Studio有一个新的Microsoft Band Tile Design Plugin.这似乎说明了我想要做的事情但是当我尝试使用代码生成部分(页面中间的一半)中指定的代码时,我无法加载我使用设计器创建的简单自定义布局:
以下是链接自定义布局的代码,如Tile Design Plugin页面所述:
// create a new Guid for the tile
tileGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
// create a new tile with a new Guid
WriteableBitmap smallIconBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(24, 24);
BandIcon smallIcon = smallIconBitmap.ToBandIcon();
WriteableBitmap tileIconBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(48, 48);
BandIcon tileIcon = tileIconBitmap.ToBandIcon();
BandTile tile = new BandTile(tileGuid)
// Name of the Tile
Name = "MyTile",
// Create the small and tile icons from writable bitmaps.
// Small icons are 24x24 pixels.
SmallIcon = smallIcon,
// Tile icons are 46x46 pixels for Microsoft Band 1, and 48x48 pixels
// for Microsoft Band 2.
TileIcon = tileIcon
var customtiledesign = new SentimentFeedbackLayout();
await customtiledesign.LoadIconsAsync(tile);
if (await bandClient.TileManager.AddTileAsync(tile))
Debug.WriteLine("New tile added | GUID: " + tileGuid);
PageData pd = new PageData(tileGuid, 1, customtiledesign.Data.All);
if (await bandClient.TileManager.SetPagesAsync(tileGuid, pd))
Debug.WriteLine("Added pages");
catch (Exception ex)
Band Connected : MSFT Band 2 bb:bc
Version: 2.0.4215.0, Hardware: 26
Band - Removing all Tiles
Removed tile: MyTile
New tile added | GUID: 4803e0fe-2da2-4efb-9389-bde3a9289d30
Exception thrown: 'Microsoft.Band.BandOperationException' in mscorlib.ni.dll
Error Device status code: 0xA0CC006A received.
PageData pd = new PageData(tileGuid, 1, customtiledesign.Data.All);
而不是将customtiledesign.Data.All传递给… SetPagesAsync()方法.
这是因为没有重载形式的SetPageAsync将PageElementData []作为参数.
最佳答案 图标在图块布局上不可见的原因是因为索引1传递给构造函数:PageData pd = new PageData(tileGuid,1,customtiledesign.Data.All);.它应该是0.
private async Task<BandIcon> LoadIcon(string uri)
StorageFile imageFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri(uri));
using (IRandomAccessStream fileStream = await imageFile.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read))
WriteableBitmap bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(1, 1);
await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(fileStream);
return bitmap.ToBandIcon();