c – 为什么boost :: circular_buffer在我的基准测试中这么慢?

rationale,boost :: circular_buffer看起来很有希望:

Suitability for real-time and performance critical applications.

Fast constant-time insertion and removal of elements from the front and back.




lin : 101  // 10240x
lock: 109  // 10240x
circ: 427  // 10x

请注意,circular的loopcount为10,其他的loopcount为10 * 1024.参见工作示例here.

我使用它是完全错误还是只是没有设计基本/ POD类型?



lin : 69   // 10240x
lock: 79   // 10240x
circ: 9688 // 10240x 


最佳答案 首先,确保基准测试是合理的.如果您不使用计算结果,编译器会在您最不期望的时候将其作为死代码消除.


buffer.erase_begin(1024); // or indeed, use checked size see below


>第二件影响性能的事情 – 严重 – 是插入调用.在你的用例中,你可以使用assign,就像在竞争者中一样,被编译成mempcy或memmove.


时钟分辨率:平均值为18.6412 ns(40960002次迭代)

benchmarking linear
collecting 100 samples, 1 iterations each, in estimated 3.93727 s
mean: 39.0804 ms, lb 39.0567 ms, ub 39.1051 ms, ci 0.95
std dev: 124.19 μs, lb 111.153 μs, ub 141.079 μs, ci 0.95
found 0 outliers among 100 samples (0%)
variance is unaffected by outliers

benchmarking lockfree
collecting 100 samples, 1 iterations each, in estimated 4.78513 s
mean: 37.0188 ms, lb 37.0106 ms, ub 37.0277 ms, ci 0.95
std dev: 43.5788 μs, lb 37.3685 μs, ub 52.8458 μs, ci 0.95
found 3 outliers among 100 samples (3%)
variance is unaffected by outliers

benchmarking circular
collecting 100 samples, 1 iterations each, in estimated 9.78763 s
mean: 62.884 ms, lb 62.8657 ms, ub 62.9041 ms, ci 0.95
std dev: 98.0325 μs, lb 85.6543 μs, ub 119.395 μs, ci 0.95
found 1 outliers among 100 samples (1%)
variance is unaffected by outliers


《c – 为什么boost :: circular_buffer在我的基准测试中这么慢?》

没有nonius:Live On Coliru


lin : 101 (checksum: -1741910392)
lock: 89 (checksum: -1741910392)
circ: 102 (checksum: -1741910392)