java – 针对batchRequests的Aerospike性能低下


AerospikeClient aerospike = new AerospikeClient("", port)

public byte[][] getBatch(byte[][] keys) {
    Key[] aeroKeys = new Key[keys.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        aeroKeys[i] = new Key(NAMESPACE, setName, keys[i]);
    Record[] records = aerospike.get(batchPolicy, aeroKeys);
    byte[][] response = new byte[keys.length][];

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
        if (records[i] != null) {
            response[i] = (byte[]) records[i].getValue(DEFAULT_BIN_NAME);
    return response;

当我有一个请求时,此代码可以完美而快速地运行.但是当我运行多个并行线程执行batchGets时,它非常慢(降级与线程数呈线性关系,例如4个线程= 4x慢,8个线程= 8x慢).我没有在监控中看到太多CPU或I / O使用情况,所以我怀疑有些东西在等待,但我不知道它是什么.


    service-threads 16
    transaction-queues 16
    transaction-threads-per-queue 16
    batch-index-threads 16
    batch-max-buffers-per-queue 1000
    proto-fd-max 15000
    batch-max-requests 2000000



namespace test {
    replication-factor 2
    memory-size 5G
    default-ttl 0 # 30 days, use 0 to never expire/evict.
    ldt-enabled true

    storage-engine device {
           file /data/aerospike.dat
           filesize 300G
           disable-odirect true
           write-block-size 1M
           max-write-cache 1G


$asadm -e 'show latency' 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~proxy Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Node                     Time   Ops/Sec   >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
   .                     Span         .      .      .       .   
p      23:00:09-GMT->23:00:19       0.0    0.0    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~query Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Node                     Time   Ops/Sec   >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
   .                     Span         .      .      .       .   
p      23:00:09-GMT->23:00:19       0.0    0.0    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~reads Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Node                     Time   Ops/Sec    >1Ms    >8Ms   >64Ms   
   .                     Span         .       .       .       .   
p      23:00:09-GMT->23:00:19   15392.1   92.67   62.89    6.03   
Number of rows: 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~udf Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Node                     Time   Ops/Sec   >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
   .                     Span         .      .      .       .   
p      23:00:09-GMT->23:00:19       0.0    0.0    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 1

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~writes_master Latency~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Node                     Time   Ops/Sec   >1Ms   >8Ms   >64Ms   
   .                     Span         .      .      .       .   
p      23:00:09-GMT->23:00:19       0.0    0.0    0.0     0.0   
Number of rows: 1







$asloglatency -h reads
  Jan 04 2016 19:12:55
               % > (ms)
  slice-to (sec)      1      8     64  ops/sec
  -------------- ------ ------ ------ --------
19:13:25    10  87.27  14.87   0.00    242.7
19:13:35    10  89.44  21.90   0.00   3432.0
19:13:45    10  89.68  26.87   0.00   4981.6
19:13:55    10  89.61  25.62   0.00   5469.9
19:14:05    10  89.89  27.56   0.00   6190.8
19:14:15    10  90.59  33.84   0.30   6138.2
19:14:25    10  89.79  29.44   0.00   5393.2

ubuntu@aerospike1:~$asloglatency -h batch_index_reads
Jan 04 2016 19:30:36
               % > (ms)
slice-to (sec)      1      8     64  ops/sec
-------------- ------ ------ ------ --------
19:30:46    10 100.00 100.00   3.33      3.0
19:30:56    10 100.00 100.00  23.40      9.4
19:31:06    10 100.00 100.00  27.59     11.6
19:31:16    10 100.00 100.00  31.30     13.1
19:31:26    10 100.00 100.00  30.00     13.0
19:31:36    10 100.00 100.00  27.14     14.0


$asadm -e "show distribution"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~test - TTL Distribution in Seconds~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      Percentage of records having ttl less than or equal to value
                          measured in Seconds
      Node   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%
aerospike1     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
aerospike2     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0      0
Number of rows: 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~test - Object Size Distribution in Record Blocks~~~~~~~~~~~
        Percentage of records having objsz less than or equal to
                    value measured in Record Blocks
      Node   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%
aerospike1     3     3     3     3     3    65    94    97   100    100
aerospike2     3     3     3     3     3    65    94    97   100    100


$asadm -e "show stat like batch"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Service Statistics~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
NODE                         :   aerospike1                                                                                                                           aerospike2
batch_errors                 :   0                                                                                                                                    0
batch_index_complete         :   403423                                                                                                                               3751948
batch_index_created_buffers  :   8425500                                                                                                                              169997886
batch_index_destroyed_buffers:   8423984                                                                                                                              169994324
batch_index_errors           :   3                                                                                                                                    8305
batch_index_huge_buffers     :   7075094                                                                                                                              64191339
batch_index_initiate         :   403428                                                                                                                               3760270
batch_index_queue            :   0:0,0:0,0:0,1:99,1:205,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0   1:212,0:0,1:25,1:87,0:0,1:13,1:33,1:66,1:199,1:183,1:221,1:256,1:198,1:39,1:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,1:26,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,1:53,0:0,0:0,0:0,0:0,1:172,1:206,0:0
batch_index_timeout          :   0                                                                                                                                    0
batch_index_unused_buffers   :   1210                                                                                                                                 1513
batch_initiate               :   0                                                                                                                                    0
batch_queue                  :   0                                                                                                                                    0
batch_timeout                :   0                                                                                                                                    0
batch_tree_count             :   0                                                                                                                                    0

$iostat -x 1 3
Linux 4.2.0-18-generic (aerospike1)     01/05/2016  _x86_64_    (8 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           2.31    0.00    7.56    5.50    0.00   84.64

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
sda               0.00     0.79    4.69    0.97   152.23    21.28    61.31     0.01    2.37    2.43    2.07   1.46   0.83
sdb               0.03  1828.07 1955.80   62.88 87448.89  8924.42    95.48     3.81    1.88    0.55   43.26   0.08  15.45

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           4.57    0.00   18.91    0.00    0.00   76.52

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
sda               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00
sdb               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           3.91    0.00   16.27    0.00    0.00   79.82

Device:         rrqm/s   wrqm/s     r/s     w/s    rkB/s    wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz   await r_await w_await  svctm  %util
sda               0.00     0.00    1.00    4.00     4.00    16.00     8.00     0.01    2.40   12.00    0.00   2.40   1.20
sdb               0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   0.00   0.00

最佳答案 你的磁盘似乎是瓶颈.如果您看到asadm延迟输出,则60%的读取时间超过8ms.您可以使用iostat命令进行交叉检查.基于延迟,我猜你正在使用旋转驱动器.


