templates – 为什么使用可变参数模板参数初始化我的对象需要定义移动构造函数?

我想在模板函数中创建一些typename Type的本地对象:

template <typename Type, typename... Args>
void create_local(Args... args)
    Type val(args...);


struct T {
    std::mutex m;

int main()
    T t;               // OK: No use of move constructor
    create_local<T>(); // Error: Requires deleted move constructor!!!

(coliru link)

g(从4.7.3到5.2)无法编译,需要定义T的移动构造函数? clang 3.7编译成功.

另外,如果我(1)从T中删除std :: mutex成员,(2)声明T的默认构造函数,(3)为T声明一个已删除的复制构造函数:

struct T {
    T() = default;
    T(const T&) = delete;

int main()
    T t;               // OK: No use of move constructor
    create_local<T>(); // OK: No use of move constructor


最佳答案 根据Andrey Zholos在 this错误报告中的评论:

I also stumbled onto this bug, and bug 59141 is a duplicate.

It appears the empty parameter pack is expanded as t({}) rather than t().

There is a similar example in 14.5.3p6 that indicates obj should be value-initialized (not copy-constructed), and clang accepts this code.
