ZZ27翻译对比:后出师表 (诸葛亮)

ZZ27翻译对比:后出师表 (诸葛亮/Zhuge Liang)

a. Post-Battle Memorandum to His Majesty

b. Second Memorial to the Throne on his Expedition

a. translated by alexcwlin/edited by Adam Lam

b. translated by (潘正英[据一来源])


a. Upon much deliberation, our late Emperor recognized that our Shu Han Dynasty could not co-exist with the evildoers.

b. Having considered the fact that the House of Han could not allow the insurgents to live under the same heaven


a. Also our Empire could not be complacent staying put at a corner of the nation.

b. and that its imperial activity ought not be contented with the enjoying of one-sided peace and tranquility,


a. As such, he charged me with the responsibility to bring those outlaws to their knees.

b. the late emperor instructed your servant to have the insurgents suppressed.



a. With late Emperor’s perceptiveness and assessment of my limitations, he was well aware that my conquest mission was greatly disadvantaged.

b. His Majesty, though fully aware of your servant’s inability to carry out this instruction, trusted him without hesitation;


a. Yet not seizing those evildoers will mean the eventual demise of our sovereignty.

b. for the trend of events is that should the rebels not be quelled the imperial destiny would be bound to go to rack,


a. The decision was whether to sit tight and wait for our doom, or take the aggression to subjugate our enemy? Therefore commissioning me for the task was without hesitation.

b. so it would seem far much better to fight against them than succumb to them without resistance.


a. On the day I received the assignment, I lost much sleep and appetite over it.

b. Upon receiving His Majesty’s order, your servant was quite lost in thinking, enjoying no sound sleep and having no good appetite.


a. In considering taking over the north, it was advisable to start with going south.

b. He was of the opinion that in order to be able to dispatch an expeditionary force to the north, it was essential that matters should first be settled in the south,


a. So in the fifth month we crossed Lu River and ventured deep into badlands.

b. and he therefore ventured to cross the Lu River in the fifth moon, entering right into the barren region


a. In the process, we could only eat once every second day.

b. and setting a dietary limit to himself.


a. It’s not that I’m oblivious to my own well-being.

b. It is not that he did not know how to care about himself,


a. But it’s just that we could not sit on our laurels in our Shu Han domain.

b. but that the imperial dignity should not tolerate the maintenance of one-sided peace in Szechuen;


a. Therefore I risk great dangers in fulfilling late Emperor’s wishes.

b. this is where he has endeavored to act upon the late emperor’s instructions, though at his own risk.


a. Dissenters claimed the plan was ill-advised.

b. Such a course of action there are, however, many who are now disposed to criticize or deprecate.


a. Now the evil’s troops are exhaustingly tested in the west and heavily engaged in the east.

b. Now the rebels are being engaged in the east and getting exhausted in the west;


a. Military strategy suggests it’s an opportune time to launch attack when your enemy is spread thin.

b. this is certainly a most propitious time to start a campaign, for taking advantage of the adversary’s misfortunes is a good policy in military tactics.


a. I respectfully present my opinions of the matters as follows:

b. Your servant begs to submit his views as follows:



a. Han Dynasty founding Emperor Gao’s brilliance rivaled that of the sun and moon. His advisers were broad in knowledge and clever in battle stratagem. Yet he sustained injuries in plunging into dangers. Peace was restored only at the cost of perils.

b. With the acumen of Kao Ti — which can be likened to the brilliancy of the sun and moon — and with the counsels of his wise advisers, peace and order was not maintained until many difficulties had been surmounted and untold sufferings sustained.


a. At this time, Your Majesty is not as accomplished as Emperor Gao, and your advisers do not measure up to those under him including Zhang Liang and Chen Ping. Yet you attempt to seal victory and unite the nation through maintaining status quo for the long-term.

b. Seeing that Your majesty is not such as Kao Ti and Your Majesty’s advisers are not such as Chang Liang and Chen Ping, how is it possible to expect to win, while sitting tight and making no attempt to move?


a. This is the first point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This the first point not understood by your servant.



a. Formerly Liu You and Wang Lang occupied their respective provinces. In discussing the strategy of playing it safe, they quoted words of wisdom from past sages. With minds full of doubts and bellies full of fear, they kept procrastinating war year after year. As a result, Sun Ce grew stronger as time wore on and eventually he annexed Jiangdong District.

b. While holding their respective counties, Liu Yu and Wang Lang always quoted from the sages in discussing the situation and in laying their plans, but they were so prone to suspicion and so easily overwhelmed with fear that they failed to make up their mind to fight year after year, until Sun Tse began to rise and annex the entire territory of Kiangtung.


a. This is the second point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This is the second point not understood by your servant.



a. Cao Cao’s smarts and wits were superb. His deployments of military tactics were comparable to those of Sun Wu and Wu Qi. Yet he was besieged in Nanyang, won a close victory in Wuchao, barely avoided injury in Qilian Mountain, and ran into stronghold at Liyang.

b. Notwithstanding the fact that his resourcefulness was almost superhuman and his proficiency in strategies could favorably be compared with that of Sun Ping and Wu Chi, Ts’ao Ts’ao was once besieged at Nanyang, then escaped narrowly from Wuchao, then suffered seriously at Chilien, and was finally vehemently pursued at Liyang.


a. Several times he went down in defeat at Mount Beishan. In Tongguan he narrowly escaped death.

b. At Peis Lan he was nearly put to rout; at Tungkwan his escape from death was by a hair-breadth.


a. After all these, he was only able to enjoy a brief period of calm in his feigned empire.

b. After all this, he was only able to find himself settling down to enjoy temporary peace.


a. Furthermore, your serving officials are incapable and you wish to reach national unification without taking risks.

b. Now in the case of one of much weaker caliber such as your servant, how could settlement be expected without having to go through dangers?


a. This is the third point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This is the third point not understood by your servant?



a. Five times Cao Cao was frustrated in his attempts to capture Changba.

b. In his attacks on Changpa on five different occasions Ts’ao Ts’ao was repulsed;


a. Four times he failed to cross Lake Chao.

b. in his attempt to cross Lake Chao for four times he met with no success.


a. He took Li Fu under his wing but Li turned around and plotted against him.

b. He employed Li Fu and Li Fu betrayed him;


a. He appointed Xia Hou to high post but Xia Hou was killed in defeat.

b. he trusted Hsia How and Hisa How was killed.


a. Our late Emperor highly praised Cao, and yet Cao had such blunders.

b. He was admired by the late emperor for his ability, yet he could not avoid such failures.


a. Moreover, I am very mundane in ability, and how possibly could I guarantee victory at all times?

b. Then how could one of your servant’s inability be sure of success?


a. This is the fourth point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This is the fourth point not understood by your servant.



a. It’s only been a year since I came to County Hanzhong. Yet we lost Zhao Yun, Yang Qun, Ma Yu, Yan Zhi, Ding Li, Bai Shou, Liu He, Deng Tong, and other high-ranking military officers to a total of seventy some odd people. Gone also were one thousand and then some soldiers from light brigade, cavalry, foreigner recruit, and other regiments.

b. It is only a year since your servant came to Hanchung. During this time, however, generals such as Chao Yun, Yang Chun, Ma Yu, Yen Chih, Ting Li, Pai Show, Liu Ho, Teng Tung, etc., and seventy odd majors and garrison commanders have been dead, together with over a thousand brave generals of foreign birth and well-disciplined cavaliers.


a. Those were all elites assembled over the last several tens of years from places of all directions and not just one province alone.

b. They were among the best of the elements, not belonging to one district only, but gathered together from various sources in all directions during the last tens of years.


a. If things continue the way it has been for several more years, then we could have lost two-thirds of our military forces.

b. If it happens that another few years are allowed to pass without any action being taken, the result will be that two thirds of these elements will have been lost.


a. By that time, what would we have left to fight against our enemies?

b. Then with what will the enemy be attacked?


a. This is the fifth point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This is the fifth point not understood by your servant.



a. Now our people are penurious and troops are tired. Yet matters are not all over.

b. The people are now impoverished and the military strength is on the wane, yet we cannot afford to rest satisfied with the present condition of affairs.


a. Since things are not settled, then efforts are much the same whether we sit back and wait or go out on the assault.

b. Under the circumstance, it would seem to involve the same amount of energy whether we stand still in the rear or take the offensive at the front.


a. In not taking advantage of the opportunity, are we hoping we could drag it out with the evils with only one province of land?

b. It is, therefore, inexplicable that while few appear to be prepared to take time by the forelock, there are many who are content with the keeping of one district to stand face to face with the rebels.


a. This is the sixth point your humble servant here fails to understand.

b. This is the sixth point not understood by your servant.



a. Yet war is something which is difficult for me to comment on.

b. It may be stated that it is exceedingly difficult to bring the current of events to a standstill.


a. In the old days, Cao Cao applauded when our late Emperor was defeated at Chu Region and claimed everything was resolved in the nation.

b. At the time when the late emperor was signally defeated in Hupeh, Ts’ao Ts’ao chuckled with glee at the impression that the situation began to be settled in his favor.


a. Later our late Emperor allied with Wu-Yue State and took Ba-Shu Region out west. In launching attack up north, General Xiahou was killed. Those were failings of Cao. Unification of Han Dynasty was in sight.

b. But later, when His Majesty threw in his lot with Wu and Yueh in the east acquired Szechuen in the b. west, and launched a campaign in the north resulting in the killing of Hsia How, it appeared likely that Ts’ao Ts’ao’s plan was doomed to failure, while that of Han was going to be crowned with success.


a. But then Wu State broke off the alliance arrangement.

b. Shortly afterwards, however, Wu broke off its agreement;


a. Our General Guan Yu perished in defeat and we were routed at Zigui District. Cao Pi proclaimed himself to be Emperor.

b. Kuan Yu lost the day; the late emperor got the worst of it at Tzukuei and Ts’ao Pei assumed the title of emperor.


a. All things happen in similar fashion. It’s hard to predict.

b. All this goes to show how this course of things is often too uncertain to admit of forecast.


a. You humble servant here will go all out ceaselessly till death befalls me. Whether things go successfully or unsuccessfully, smoothly or toughly, they are beyond my ability to foretell.

b. Your servant, therefore, desires to do all he can, even to the last drop of his blood, but without being able to foretell the consequences.


    原文地址: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/36779933