Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04


嘉明Lock:Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]-《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》


I had only the one window I, myself could not look out the window. It was it was quite high no acting agent.

《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》总视频第4趴,今日第一句

很有意思的一点:I, myself could not…



I, myself could not let the company start.

I, my self could not make such amazing movie.

I, my self could not finish that homework on time.


when I was 29, I told myself the next acting job I get,
no matter what it came, I will go on,
for better or worse, be working actor.

《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》总视频第4趴,今日第二句

no matter 又出现了,可以再看看我们第一篇如何使用的,这里再使用一遍,可以作为插入语。

My mother told me that, no matter what girl you will meet, try your best to let her be your girlfriend. LOL

I told myself the next task I get, no matter how hard it is, I must spare no effort to do it right.

for better or worse. 插入语


《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》
《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》


《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》
《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》

The world there is still moving on.加入一个插入语

The world there is still, for better or worse, moving on.就这么简单

She is your mother, for better or worse, it is a unchangable truth.


but something good happened, [I] Got a
low-paying theater job in a play called imperfect love
Which led [to] a film called 13 moons with the same writer? Which led to other roles which led to other roles.

《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》总视频第4趴,今日第三句

but something good happened,


I’ve been working and working for almost 4 week boringly, but something good happend, I met a girl who is very beautiful and kind.


yeah, I knew what you are referring to, my job is also a low-paying job. What a coincidence and pity!

which led to 从一个点引到另一个点,从一个单词联想、联系到另一个单词,形成一套有机的整体时,你的学习就会特别有效,当你再把这些links使用在日常的语言运用中,就会很快把语言学好了。

Our English learning methods are exactly same with this phrase “which led to”. In our mind, we remember some words by referring with other words, in other words, we link words together. For instance, we link low-paying to “job”, which led to “salary”, which led to “CEO” or what ever.


《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》
《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》 一条条回忆下,是否还记得,学习后10秒钟的复习是最重要的






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《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》
《Are you scared of change [Peter Dinklage]- 04》
