Apache Qpid Proton 0.16.0,轻量通信库

Apache Qpid Proton 0.16.0 发布了。Qpid Proton 是一个 AMQP 1.0 通讯库。高性能,轻量级,应用广泛。


PROTON-721 - [proton-j] expose ability to operate on Link capabilities
PROTON-722 - [proton-j] expose ability to operate on Session capabilities and properties
PROTON-1309 - Add the ability to set the outgoing message window to electron interface
PROTON-1314 - Fixing SIGPIPE ignore on Solaris OS
PROTON-1315 - Force compilation in multi-threading mode for Solaris SunStudio
PROTON-1316 - Add a way to set visibility of exportable symbols on Solaris
PROTON-1317 - Add template parameter because SunStudio 12.1 doesn't handle templated method signature detection when using an "extern c" parameter
PROTON-1318 - Replace variadic constructror of "sfinae::wildcard" with template for SunStudio
PROTON-1319 - [SunStudio] Move internal header files of cpp bindings from src to their own directory
PROTON-1320 - Add namespace prefix to srand and rand
PROTON-1322 - Fix Sunstudio unable to find templated method when parameter can be constructed by an intermediate class (proton::scalar --> proton::value)
PROTON-1327 - Go binding should not use any proton-c handlers
PROTON-1337 - [proton-j] Add methods and Sender and Receiver that allow for alternate buffer types
PROTON-1338 - Go: make binding compatible with older C libraries, update go get
PROTON-1344 - Provide C "proactor" API for multi-threaded proton applications
PROTON-1351 - Introduce proton core library
PROTON-1352 - Trivial casting from UnsignedByte to ReceiverSettleMode and SenderSettleMode
PROTON-1353 - Adding message annotations on toString for Message implementation class
PROTON-1355 - Allow controlling peer_hostname independently of connection url
PROTON-1363 - Remove unecessary and unused stuff from the C++ binding
PROTON-1373 - Clean up C++ API docs

Bug 修复
PROTON-241 - proton-c: mark old transport interfaces 'deprecated'
PROTON-623 - Add missing error check to pn_string_inspect
PROTON-1012 - Unable to build python-qpid-proton when behind a proxy server
PROTON-1292 - errno not thread-safe on Solaris
PROTON-1311 - [proton-c] Accessors for max-message-size on link
PROTON-1324 - Interpretation of "int8_t" on Solaris using SunStudio is different from GCC one
PROTON-1325 - Python "buffer" type in Message body should map to a known encoding type
PROTON-1330 - Include the C sources in the python source distribution
PROTON-1331 - go: electron.Container.Dial returning (nil, nil)
PROTON-1332 - go: electron client leaking links/sessions in long lived connection
PROTON-1333 - CMake error if no C++ compiler avaliable.
PROTON-1336 - [Proton-c 0.14.0][Visual Studio 2013] Failing ssl unit test only in Debug mode
PROTON-1346 - [proton-j] reactor exit when UnresolvedAddressException is thrown during connect
PROTON-1366 - Reactor Python - segfault when out of file descriptors
PROTON-1371 - proton::container::schedule crashes when mixing different language versions
PROTON-1372 - Use PIMPL, not an interface, for event_loop

PROTON-1329 - [proton-j] remove the TestDecoder class
PROTON-1361 - [proton-j] mark Messenger as deprecated

文章转载自 开源中国社区[https://www.oschina.net]
