在vcenter环境中 安装完linux操作系统,启动时会遇到一些错误,如下
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 0
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 1
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 2
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 3
warning: pci_mmcfg_int marking 256MB space uncacheable
一 Memory for crash kernel
Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissible range
1 在操作系统中配置kdump
选择菜单“Applications”——“system tools”——“kdump”,弹出“Kernel Dump Configuration”窗口,选中Enable kdump,设置New kdump Memory(MB): 128MB(推荐大小),location:file:///var/crash(也可以设置其他位置,用来存放当系统崩溃时的转储镜像)。
2 如果无法进入操作系统,可在启动过程中设置启动参数
启动过程中按 e 修改 kernel 行
添加启动参数 crashkernel=128M@16M
二 Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 0
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 1
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 2
Cannot setup NMI watchdog on CPU 3
这个问题是由于,一些操作系统默认启用了nmi(Non Maskable Interrupt)功能,这个功能依赖硬件watchdog服务来监控系统是否由于硬件故障导致异常
Not all hardware support NMI. This issue is seen to occur with the latest virtual machine hardware version 8 and has been reproduced with version 7 also.
vCPUs presented to the guest operating system cannot have NMI enabled on them because they are abstracted representations of the host’s physical CPU cores.
To resolve this issue, disable NMI if it has been enabled in the guest by default.
To disable NMI:
- Open a vSphere console or SSH session to the Linux virtual machine.
- Run this command inside a terminal:
vi /boot/grub/menu.lstNote : /boot/grub/menu.lst may be a symbolic link to /boot/grub/grub.conf.
- At the end of the kernel line, change the parameter value for nmi_watchdog from 1 to 0 (in some cases from 2 to 0).
For example:
t itle Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (2.6.18-128.el5)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-128.el5 ro root=/dev/sda nmi_watchdog=0
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-128.el5.img - Save the configuration file changes using :wq. For more information, see Editing files on an ESX host using vi or nano (1020302).
- Reboot the virtual machine.
The NMI watchdog has now been disabled and boot time messages should not be observed.
If NMI style guest monitoring is desired, customers can utilize the VMware Tools heartbeat in HA settings under VM monitoring
To enable VM Monitoring:
- Choose the cluster and click Edit Settings.
- Select VM Monitoring.
- Select VM Monitoring Only from the dropdown
- Under Virtual Machine Settings:
- Select the virtual machine to monitor.
- From the dropdown, select the appropriate settings for your environment. For more information, see:
- vCenter Server 4.x – VM Monitoring
- vCenter Server 5.x – VM and Application Monitoring
- Click OK.
三 warning: pci_mmcfg_int
warning: pci_mmcfg_int marking 256MB space uncacheable