

public <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action)
  • Description copied from interface: RedisOperations
    Executes the given action within a Redis connection. Application exceptions thrown by the action object get propagated to the caller (can only be unchecked) whenever possible. Redis exceptions are transformed into appropriate DAO ones. Allows for returning a result object, that is a domain object or a collection of domain objects. Performs automatic serialization/deserialization for the given objects to and from binary data suitable for the Redis storage. Note: Callback code is not supposed to handle transactions itself! Use an appropriate transaction manager. Generally, callback code must not touch any Connection lifecycle methods, like close, to let the template do its work.

Specified by:
execute in interface RedisOperations

  • Type Parameters:
    T – return type
  • Parameters:
    • callback object that specifies the Redis action. Must not be null.
  • Returns:
  1. result object returned by the action or null


public List<Object> executePipelined(SessionCallback<?> session)
  • Description copied from interface: RedisOperations
    Executes the given Redis session on a pipelined connection. Allows transactions to be pipelined. Note that the callback cannot return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline.

Specified by:
executePipelined in interface RedisOperations

  • Parameters:
    • Session callback
  • Returns:
  1. of objects returned by the pipeline



public List<Object> executePipelined(final SessionCallback<?> session, final RedisSerializer<?> resultSerializer) {
        Assert.isTrue(initialized, "template not initialized; call afterPropertiesSet() before using it");
        Assert.notNull(session, "Callback object must not be null");

        RedisConnectionFactory factory = getConnectionFactory();
        // bind connection
        RedisConnectionUtils.bindConnection(factory, enableTransactionSupport);
        try {
            return execute(new RedisCallback<List<Object>>() {
                public List<Object> doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
                    boolean pipelinedClosed = false;
                    try {
                        Object result = executeSession(session);
                        if (result != null) {
                            throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException(
                                    "Callback cannot return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline");
                        List<Object> closePipeline = connection.closePipeline();
                        pipelinedClosed = true;
                        return deserializeMixedResults(closePipeline, resultSerializer, hashKeySerializer, hashValueSerializer);
                    } finally {
                        if (!pipelinedClosed) {
        } finally {


     * Executes all the given operations inside the same session.
     * @param operations Redis operations
     * @return return value
    <K, V> T execute(RedisOperations<K, V> operations) throws DataAccessException;

