

Rewrite techniques : Learn from peers and tutor, draw inspiration from collacations and our learning modules


《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 题型2
《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 原句挑错

use together改为use them together,没有宾语

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 更正后

Key points: The affordability is highlighted. Outdoor relaxedness is illustrated as opposed to indoor gym exercises. 

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 picking faults

To learn: an added advantage/ bonus/ benefit, form a positive exercise attitude

 Fault: cultivate 改为 cultivates 单三

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 picking faults

Faults:form 改为forms, both parents and kids

To learn: develop/ cultivate/ get in/ get into a habit, come as a boon

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 pick faults

Don’t get overwhelmed by difficulties. Focusing on daily learning and exercises. Make deliberate efforts to avoid pitfalls. Consult dictionaries when you are not sure of your word choices. 

Faults: awareness of , which前与逗号空一格

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Find faults

To learn: on top of=in addition to, besides, aside from, additionally

007: an extra benefit (不用复数)

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Finding faults

What’s strange: a sporty temperament 


To learn: foster a positive attitude

Corrections: added benefit comes, use them together


Corrections: Vaga:in leisure time改为 at leisure,additional benefit, consciousness 不当,改为awareness


awareness: be aware of , be mindful

consciousness: 语境:如失去意识

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Justin’s rewrites

句型:Another bonus/ boon/ benefit/ advantage of this is that +clause

To learn: instill sth in sb 灌输(中性词), instill in children a positive attitude towards exercise (sth部分过长,后置,避免头重脚轻,便于理解)

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Justin’s versions, 最后一句比较书面化,学习大于实用

替换:attitude to/towards,outlook on

To learn: embrace exercise

Linking devices: this, also, apart from, when

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 改写句型2

To learn:limited, too..to

Corrections: raising / increasing the number of sports facilities

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Innovation

To learn: too narrow, merely one of the many ways, alone, make too much of a difference , explore

“I am of the opinion” is a little too much. 文绉绉

Corrections:more sports facilities alone are not likely to


Corrections: paying(主语) attention to, an ideal method

Ling: exclusively=solely, sufficient, fully justify


To learn: such …that…

It’s not a matter of if, but when.


Corrections: mere focus on sports facilities can hardly achieve ….


Corrections: a narrow-minded and uncreative way

To learn: narrow-minded

《2019年3月写作反馈直播(一)》 Justin’s rewrites

To learn: it is a far too narrow approach to do, suffice, it is insufficient to do; intended, desired, expected, anticipated

Personal Review

“The essence of writing is rewriting.” 

Reading through IELTS sample essays does not suffice and can hardly help us improve our writing skills. To achieve the desired results, rewriting can be adopted. 

It prompts us to look into the original sentence and make mentally taxing excercises to reproduce a parallel version with equivalent effect. 

During the process, we take precautions to avoid pitfalls and strive to navigate through uncertainties and changes. We get extra cautious about word choices and linking devices. 

It is only when the final products are served with satisfaction that we can finally rest at ease. 

    原文地址: https://www.jianshu.com/p/4a2dc8863810