mysql – SEPARATOR关键字在Hibernate Formula中无法正常工作

我有以下Hibernate forumla查询,我可以在
mysql workbanch中执行.

select group_concat(distinct t.column_1_name SEPARATOR ', ') from table_name t and t.fk_record_id = record_id


select group_concat(distinct t.column_1_name parent_table.SEPARATOR ', ') from table_name t and t.fk_record_id = record_id


最佳答案 您可以添加SEPARATOR作为关键字.实现您自己的DialectResolver并将结果以小写形式添加到生成的方言中:

public class MyDialectResolver implements DialectResolver {

    public Dialect resolveDialect(DialectResolutionInfo info) {
        for (Database database : Database.values()) {
            Dialect dialect = database.resolveDialect(info);
            if (dialect != null) {
                return dialect;

        return null;

对于5.2.13 / 5.3.0之前的Hibernate版本也是如此:

public class MyDialectResolver extends StandardDialectResolver {

    protected Dialect resolveDialectInternal(DatabaseMetaData metaData) throws SQLException {
        Dialect dialect = super.resolveDialectInternal(metaData);
        return dialect;



    <property name="hibernate.dialect_resolvers" value="mypackage.MyDialectResolver"/>



public class ListAggFunction implements SQLFunction {

     * The pattern that describes how the function is build in SQL.
     * Replacements:
     * {path} - is replaced with the path of the list attribute
     * {separator} - is replaced with the separator (defaults to '')
     * {orderByPath} - is replaced by the path that is used for ordering the elements of the list
    private String pattern;

     * Creates a new ListAggFunction definition which uses the ANSI SQL:2016 syntax.
    public ListAggFunction() {
        this("LISTAGG(DISTINCT {path}, {separator}) WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY {orderByPath})");

     * Creates a new ListAggFunction definition which uses a database specific syntax.
     * @param pattern  The pattern that describes how the function is build in SQL.
    public ListAggFunction(String pattern) {
        this.pattern = pattern;

    public Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType, Mapping mapping) throws QueryException {
        return StringType.INSTANCE;

    public boolean hasArguments() {
        return true;

    public boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() {
        return true;

    public String render(Type firstArgumentType, List arguments,
            SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException {
        if (arguments.isEmpty() || arguments.size() > 3) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Expected arguments for 'listagg': path [, separator [, order by path]]");

        String path = (String) arguments.get(0);
        String separator = arguments.size() < 2 ? "''" : (String) arguments.get(1);
        String orderByPath = arguments.size() <= 2 ? path : (String) arguments.get(2);

        return StringUtils.replaceEach(this.pattern, new String[] { "{path}", "{separator}", "{orderByPath}" },
                new String[] { path, separator, orderByPath });



 if ("MySQL".equals(info.getDatabaseName()) || "H2".equals(info.getDatabaseName())) {
   dialect.getFunctions().put("listagg", new ListAggFunction("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT {path} ORDER BY {orderByPath} SEPARATOR {separator})"));
 } else {
   dialect.getFunctions().put("listagg", new ListAggFunction());

现在,您可以在JPQL / HQL / Criteria查询中使用此函数,而无需考虑方言的语法:

 SELECT, listagg(e.stringProperty, ', ') FROM Entity e GROUP BY