Python Datareader Stock Exchange市场选择


    import as web
    import time
    today = time.strftime(\"%m/%d/%Y\")
    valeur = web.DataReader('ING.PA',data_source='yahoo',start='1/1/2000',end=today)


我在Yahoo Finance API中看到有一个标记x for Stock Exchange可以用来精确你想要获取值的市场(,但是我看不到任何我可以传递给这个x标签的示例值尝试一下.而且我不知道之后我是否可以在Datareader中使用等效的.



最佳答案 代码.PA中的后缀表示您想要获得的交换,在这种情况下是巴黎.

请查看Yahoo Finance以查看您可以根据要从中获取数据的交换使用的不同符号.然后在通话中使用适当的符号.

Symbol      Name            Last Trade  Type    Industry/Category   Exchange
ING.PA      Ingenico Group  101.45      Stock   Business Services   PAR
ING.SW      INGENICO GROUP  116.30      Stock                       EBS
IIE.F       INGENICO GROUP  100.90      Stock   Business Services   FRA
IIE.SG      INGENICO GROUP  102.88      Stock   Business Services   STU
INGIY       Ingenico Group  23.05       Stock                       PNK
INGNV.PA    Ingenico S.A.   98.33       Stock                       PAR
IIEF.EX     INGENICO GROUP  115.49      Stock                       EUX
IIE.BE      INGENICO GROUP  106.70      Stock   Business Services   BER

以下是Yahoo Finance API页面的引用.

All listed companies have a stock ticker between 1 and 4 characters. E.g. Apple has the stock ticker AAPL. As there are multiple exchanges around the world, you must specify which exchange your code relates to by adding a suffix.

  • Australian listed companies require the suffix “.AX” to be added to the companies stock code (e.g. BHP.AX).
  • UK listed companies require the suffix “.L” to be added to the companies stock code (e.g. BLT.L).