– 什么先例:使用相同的名称路由值或表单POST?

假设我有一个看起来像/ controller / action / UserID的路由接受POST.



最佳答案 参数源优先级的顺序由ValueProviderFactories.Factories集合确定,其中(默认情况下)POST-ed参数优先于模型绑定期间的路径数据.

因此,如果某人POST UserId = 666到您的控制器UserId中的/ controller / action / 777 url将为666.

本文的Value Providers部分概述了它的工作原理:

At run time, ASP.NET MVC uses the value providers registered in the
ValueProviderFactories class to evaluate request values that the model
binders can use.

By default, the value provider collection evaluates values from the
various sources in the following order:

  1. Previously bound action parameters, when the action is a child
  2. Form fields (Request.Form)
  3. The property values in the JSON
    Request body (Request.InputStream), but only when the request is an
    AJAX request
  4. Route data (RouteData.Values)
  5. Querystring parameters
  6. Posted files (Request.Files)