
Batch insert using groovy Sql?讨论了如何批量执行多个预准备语句.但是所有语句必须具有相同的结构(作为顶级参数传入withBatch).


sql.withBatch {ps ->
    ps.addBatch("insert into t1 values(:a, :b)", [a:1, b:2])
    ps.addBatch("insert into t2 values(:c)", [c:3])


最佳答案 如
Oracle’s documentation中所述:

Prepared statements:
The same statement is repeated with different bind variables.

Batch updates:
You can reduce the number of round-trips to the database, thereby improving application performance, by grouping multiple UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT statements into a single batch and having the whole batch sent to the database and processed in one trip. This is especially useful in combination with a prepared statement.

IBM’s documentation所述并摘自here

The JDBC drivers that support JDBC 2.0 and above support batch
updates. With batch updates, instead of updating rows of a DB2(R)
table one at a time, you can direct JDBC to execute a group of updates
at the same time. Statements that can be included in the same batch of
updates are known as batchable statements.

If a statement has input parameters or host expressions, you can
include that statement only in a batch that has other instances of the
same statement
. This type of batch is known as a homogeneous batch. If
a statement has no input parameters, you can include that statement in
a batch only if the other statements in the batch have no input
parameters or host expressions. This type of batch is known as a
heterogeneous batch. Two statements that can be included in the same
batch are known as batch compatible.









sql.withBatch(20, "insert into t1 values(:a, :b)") {
sql.withBatch(20, "insert into t2 values(:c)") {


sql.withBatch {ps ->
    ps.addBatch("insert into t1 values(1, 2)")
    ps.addBatch("insert into t2 values(3)")

