

/* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents.
(534,29): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(534,29): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(534,29): run-time error CSS1042: Expected function, found ' '
(534,29): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ' '
(535,26): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(535,26): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(535,26): run-time error CSS1042: Expected function, found ' '
(535,26): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ' '
(536,25): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(536,25): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(536,25): run-time error CSS1042: Expected function, found ' '
(536,25): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ' '
(537,24): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(537,24): run-time error CSS1019: Unexpected token, found ' '
(537,24): run-time error CSS1042: Expected function, found ' '
(537,24): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found ' '


width: -webkit-calc(100% - 0.5em);
width: -moz-calc(100% - 0.5em);
width: -ms-calc(100% - 0.5em);
width: -o-calc(100% - 0.5em);


最佳答案 我不确定你是否能够在当前的实现中使用它.我想你在这里有两件事对你不利.

> calc()目前是CSS Values and Units Module Level 3的一部分,其中规定:

The following features are at-risk and may be dropped during the CR period: ‘calc()’, ‘toggle()’, ‘attr()’.”


