维基百科提供的带有x86 XCHG命令的自旋锁的示例实现是:
; Intel syntax
locked: ; The lock variable. 1 = locked, 0 = unlocked.
dd 0
mov eax, 1 ; Set the EAX register to 1.
xchg eax, [locked] ; Atomically swap the EAX register with
; the lock variable.
; This will always store 1 to the lock, leaving
; the previous value in the EAX register.
test eax, eax ; Test EAX with itself. Among other things, this will
; set the processor's Zero Flag if EAX is 0.
; If EAX is 0, then the lock was unlocked and
; we just locked it.
; Otherwise, EAX is 1 and we didn't acquire the lock.
jnz spin_lock ; Jump back to the MOV instruction if the Zero Flag is
; not set; the lock was previously locked, and so
; we need to spin until it becomes unlocked.
ret ; The lock has been acquired, return to the calling
; function.
mov eax, 0 ; Set the EAX register to 0.
xchg eax, [locked] ; Atomically swap the EAX register with
; the lock variable.
ret ; The lock has been released.
mov [locked], 0
最佳答案 解锁需要
have release semantics才能正确保护关键部分.但它不需要顺序一致性.原子性不是真正的问题(见下文).
所以,是的,在x86上,一个简单的商店是安全的,glibc’s pthread_spin_unlock
does so::
movl $1, (%rdi)
xorl %eax, %eax
另请参见一个简单但可能可用的x86 spinlock implementation I wrote in this answer,使用带有暂停指令的只读自旋循环.
用btr解锁一个位域中的一个标志是不安全的,因为它是包含字节的非原子读 – 修改 – 写(or the containing naturally-aligned 4 byte dword or 2 byte word).
所以也许是谁写了它没有意识到simple stores to aligned addresses are atomic on x86, like on most ISAs.但x86有什么弱排序的ISA不是每个商店都有release semantics.释放锁的xchg使每个解锁成为一个完整的内存屏障,这超出了正常的锁定语义. (虽然在x86上,采取锁定将是一个完整的障碍,因为没有办法在没有xchg或其他锁定指令的情况下进行原子RMW或原子比较和交换,而且这些都是像mfence这样的完全障碍.)
;; pre-condition: [locked] is non-zero
mov eax, [locked] ; old value, for debugging
mov dword [locked], 0 ; On x86, this is an atomic store with "release" semantics.
;test eax,eax
;jz double_unlocking_detected ; or leave this to the caller