breed [humans human]
breed [mosquitoes mosquito]
breed [dead]
globals [
total-human ;; Total number of agents that are human
total-mosquito ;; Total number of mosquitoes that are human
angle ;; Heading for individuals
turtles-own [
kill ;; Agent-subset consisting of mosquitoes within vison of human
infected-human? ;; If true, human is infected
infected-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is infected
susceptible-human? ;; If true, human is susceptible
susceptible-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is susceptible
to setup
create-dead 0
[ set shape "square"
set color orange ]
to setup-people
create-humans initial-people
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "person"
set color white
set infected-human? false
set susceptible-human? true
if who < initial-infected-people ;; these people are initially infected
set infected-human? true
set susceptible-human? false
to setup-mosquitoes
create-mosquitoes initial-mosquito
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "mosquito"
set color blue
set infected-mosquito? false
set susceptible-mosquito? true
if (random-float 100 < 10) ;; 10% of mosquitoes are initially infected
set infected-mosquito? true
set susceptible-mosquito? false
to assign-color-human
if infected-human? [ set color red ]
if susceptible-human? [ set color white ]
to assign-color-mosquito
if infected-mosquito? [ set color yellow ]
if susceptible-mosquito? [set color blue ]
to go
to move-mosquitoes
ask mosquitoes
rt random 100
lt random 100
fd 1
to move-people
ask humans
rt random 100 ;people move around the world randomly
lt random 100
fd 1
ifelse infected-human? = true ;there is a chance that if people are infectious they will infect mosquitoes who bite them
[ask mosquitoes in-radius bite-likelihood
[if any? mosquitoes with [susceptible-mosquito? = true]
[set infected-mosquito? true
set susceptible-mosquito? false]
[ask mosquitoes in-radius bite-likelihood ;there is a chance that if people are not infectious they can be infected by infectious mosquitoes
[ifelse infected-mosquito? = true ;if mosquitoes are infectious they can infect nearby non-infected people
[ask humans in-radius bite-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true]
[set infected-human? true
set susceptible-human? false]
[ask humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true] [if any? humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true]
[set infected-human? false
set susceptible-human? true]] ;if noninfectious mosquitoes bite noninfectious people, nothing happens
ifelse infected-human? = true
[ask humans in-radius recovery-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius recovery-likelihood with [infected-human? = true]
set infected-human? false
set susceptible-human? true
[ask humans in-radius death-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius death-likelihood with [infected-human? = true]
[set breed dead]
最佳答案 好的,问题是初次感染的人不会被感染.如果它们没有被感染,它们显然不能感染那些不能感染其他人的蚊子.这意味着问题可能就是这一行:
if who < initial-infected-people
一般建议 – 如果你正在使用谁,你可能做错了什么.在这种情况下,我假设您有一个滑块(或其他一些输入方法)将初始感染的人设置为某个数字.假设这个数字是5.然后这条线说要感染任何一个谁的数字
breed [humans human]
breed [mosquitoes mosquito]
breed [deads dead]
globals [
total-human ;; Total number of agents that are human
total-mosquito ;; Total number of mosquitoes that are human
humans-own [
kill ;; Agent-subset of mosquitoes within vision
infected-human? ;; If true, human is infected
susceptible-human? ;; If true, human is susceptible
mosquitoes-own [
infected-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is infected
susceptible-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is susceptible
to setup
set total-human <some number> (or put on a slider)
set total-mosquito <some number> (or put on a slider)
create-humans total-human [<code for shape, position etc]
ask n-of initial-infected-people humans [set infected-person? TRUE]
create-mosquitoes total-mosquito [<code for shape, position etc>]