施工中的轮子 - JustVM

The JustVM Open Source Project (JuVMOSP)



Welcome, my dearest developer! We’ve been looking forward for new contributors for a while, I mean, really a while.
You contribution can be extremely important for all of us.

Here’s our environment configuration recommendations:
1. Ubuntu >=15.10 LTS
2. GCC(Gnu Compiler Collection, include gcc/g++/make) >=6.0
3. Boost Library >=1.61
4. CMake >=3.5.2
5. [Optional] CLion IDE >=2016.1

The first four of the above list is necessary for the build progress. Although IDE is not necessary for your development, but we extremely recommend you try it.

Environmental Configuration

If you haven’t got required libraries, here’s how you do that: (We assume that you’re using Ubuntu and was connected to the Internet)
1. Ubuntu:
Ubuntu Organization Follow the instructions on the site and you can get the OS.
2. GCC:
sudo apt-get install gcc
3. Boost:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
4. CMake:
sudo apt-get install cmake
And also, the apt source may not contain the latest version of CMake, if you do encountered this situation, we recommend you go to CMake, where you may download the latest release and build/install it on your own machine, for further information and instruction about CMake, please contact one of our developers at email.
5. CLion IDE:
JetBrains CLion IDE
You may already noticed that CLion IDE is a commercial-plan-only software, so you may want to make a purchase to JetBrains and get its license.
And I should also remind you that the Clion is sufficient but not necessary.

Build – Plan I – CLI

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Build – Plan II – CLion

Choose File -> Open... from the menu, then choose CMakeLists.txt in the project root directory, click OK. After opening the project, you may choose Run -> Build or press keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F9/control+F9, then the building process will be initiated automatically.

Contact Developers

Yoto Chang – yotochang@gmail.com – @zhangyutng926 (Twitter&Telegram)


JVM Specifications

    原文地址: https://juejin.im/entry/584c01db8d6d810054493abc