python – 服务器日志和我的客户端之间的SOAP调用执行时间测量差异

我正在为特定的SOAP API编写客户端.我的执行时间很长,因此联系了API所有者,他告诉我:

The average duration calls of GetPrices calls calculated from two
sources which store the duration of the calls show a average duration
throughout the 5 days that punter was calling our system of just over
25 millseconds which matches the average of most punters during the
same time period . The two sources are the Sentry Logs which
calculates the duration of the calls between all the application
components and the Time taken from the IISLogs which includes the
transport time from our API server to the punters calling machine .




start_time = time.time()
# GetPrices call
end_time = time.time() - start_time


最佳答案 请考虑下表.


client                      server
start timing
client get (small data) ->  server receive request
                        <-  server ack request start timing
client receive ack
client waiting response     server workload to create response
                        <-  server response (big data)
client receive response
client ack response     ->  server stop timing
client workload parsing response
client stop timing

