关于 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException jdk源码分析

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 《关于 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException jdk源码分析》


List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
Iterator<Integer> it=list.iterator();
    Integer str=it.next();

先看 AbstractList 类有这样一个变量

     * The number of times this list has been <i>structurally modified</i>.
     * Structural modifications are those that change the size of the
     * list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in
     * progress may yield incorrect results.
     *  他代表list被修改的次数(一般指 add,remove 次数。某个元素重赋值,一般不计数 )
     * <p>This field is used by the iterator and list iterator implementation
     * returned by the {@code iterator} and {@code listIterator} methods.
     * If the value of this field changes unexpectedly, the iterator (or list
     * iterator) will throw a {@code ConcurrentModificationException} in
     * response to the {@code next}, {@code remove}, {@code previous},
     * {@code set} or {@code add} operations.  This provides
     * <i>fail-fast</i> behavior, rather than non-deterministic behavior in
     * the face of concurrent modification during iteration.
     *  这个变量,一般在是  iterator , list iterator 实现时用到的,并且在他们的 next,remove,add,previous 等方法中,会利用它决定是否抛出ConcurrentModificationException异常。
     * <p><b>Use of this field by subclasses is optional.</b> If a subclass
     * wishes to provide fail-fast iterators (and list iterators), then it
     * merely has to increment this field in its {@code add(int, E)} and
     * {@code remove(int)} methods (and any other methods that it overrides
     * that result in structural modifications to the list).  A single call to
     * {@code add(int, E)} or {@code remove(int)} must add no more than
     * one to this field, or the iterators (and list iterators) will throw
     * bogus {@code ConcurrentModificationExceptions}.  If an implementation
     * does not wish to provide fail-fast iterators, this field may be
     * ignored.
     * 也可以在子类中利用这个字段,提供快速失败机制。具体在像add,remove方法中,增加modCount的值,每次调用加1。然后利用它,决定是否抛出ConcurrentModificationExceptions
    protected transient int modCount = 0;


     * Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
     * 这个方法,返回一个本身list的一个iterator
     * <p>The returned iterator is <a href="#fail-fast"><i>fail-fast</i></a>.
     * @return an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return new Itr();//关键这个类

再看 Itr类

     * An optimized version of AbstractList.Itr
    private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {
        int cursor;       // index of next element to return  //有个潜台词,默认值是0,list当前的下标
        int lastRet = -1; // index of last element returned; -1 if no such
        int expectedModCount = modCount;//初始化时候,会把list原来的修改次数,赋给expectedModCount

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return cursor != size;

        public E next() {
            int i = cursor;
            if (i >= size)
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            Object[] elementData = ArrayList.this.elementData;
            if (i >= elementData.length)
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
            cursor = i + 1;//每次,移动下标加1,下次的游标位置
            return (E) elementData[lastRet = i];//lastRet 赋值本次的坐标。

        public void remove() {
            if (lastRet < 0)
                throw new IllegalStateException();

            try {
                cursor = lastRet;
                lastRet = -1;
                expectedModCount = modCount;//让后又把最新的modCount 赋给expectedModCount,这样保证,通过Itr remove方法删除元素,不会抛ConcurrentModificationException异常,因为expectedModCount == modCount
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

        final void checkForComodification() {//抛出java.util.ConcurrentModificationException异常的方法
            if (modCount != expectedModCount)//如果modCount 不等于expectedModCount 就抛出这个异常
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

最后,再回来说ConcurrentModificationException异常,直接一点,它的作用是,一个集合(list 实现,比如ArrayList,LinkedList,Vertor 等AbstractList子类),
在用它自己的Iterator对象 在玩转它本身时(next,remove,add,previous 调用)时,如果发现有其他方式(非这个Iterator 对象),
修改这个list对象,就会(通过比较modCount, expectedModCount值)抛出ConcurrentModificationException异常。由于 Iterator 对象不是线程安全的,在多线程中用it.remove()删除元素,同样可以抛出 ConcurrentModificationException异常 !


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_34187862/article/details/91979926