

create or replace table student(
 sid     int(11) primary key not null,
 sname   char(25) not null,
 age     int(11) not null,
 sex     char(2) not null,
 department char(40) ,
 address  char(200) ,
 birthplace  varchar(256)

create or replace table sc(
  sid   int(11) not null,
  cid   int(11) not null,
  grade int(11) 

create or replace table course(
  cid    int(11) not null primary key default 4,
  cname  char(40),
  teacher  char(40)

delete from course ;
insert into course values('8108001','math','sandy');
insert into course values('8108002','english','sherry');
insert into course values('8108003','computer','sandy');
insert into course values('8108004','web','sandy');
insert into course values('8108005','java','sandy');
insert into course values('8108006','C languge','sherry');
insert into course values('8108007','python','xiaozhu');
insert into course values('8108008','testing','xiaozhu');
insert into course values('8108009','linux','sherry');
insert into course values('8108010','shell','sherry');


delete from sc;
insert into sc values('3108001','8108010','90');
insert into sc values('3108001','8108003','67');
insert into sc values('3108002','8108003','54');
insert into sc values('3108002','8108010','84');
insert into sc values('3108003','8108003','78');
insert into sc values('3108004','8108004','89');
insert into sc values('3108005','8108006','56');
insert into sc values('3108006','8108005','60');
insert into sc values('3108007','8108004','79');
insert into sc values('3108008','8108008','89');
insert into sc values('3108009','8108002','46');
insert into sc values('3108010','8108003','87');
insert into sc values('3108011','8108001','85');
insert into sc values('3108011','8108002','81');
insert into sc values('3108012','8108001','97');
insert into sc values('3108012','8108002','55');
insert into sc values('3108013','8108002','86');
insert into sc values('3108013','8108001','71');
insert into sc values('3108014','8108002','69');
insert into sc values('3108014','8108001','78');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108002','67');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108001','85');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108003','85');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108002','85');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108004','85');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108005','85');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108006','80');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108007','79');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108009','36');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108010','78');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108008','88');
insert into sc values('3108016','8108021','83');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108001','85');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108003','85');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108004','85');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108005','85');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108006','80');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108007','79');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108009','36');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108010','78');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108008','88');
insert into sc values('3108015','8108021','83');



delete from student;
insert into student values('3108001','wang min',21,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108002','jidu',20,'m','english','zhongshan road','fujian');
insert into student values('3108003','wangqing',19,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108004','liuxin',23,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','shanghai');
insert into student values('3108005','ligu',22,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108006','songjia',19,'m','english','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108007','huamao',20,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','shanghai');
insert into student values('3108008','zhujiao',21,'f','english','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108009','wuyi',23,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108010','jilian',18,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','hunan');
insert into student values('3108011','linbiao',22,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108012','maoguai',21,'m','english','zhongshan road','fujian');
insert into student values('3108013','rongqi',23,'m','computer-tec','zhongshan road','jiangsu');
insert into student values('3108014','sangzi',20,'f','chinese','zhongshan road','hunan');
insert into student values('3108015','surui',16,'f','computer-tec','zhongshan road','fujian');
insert into student values('3108016','liushaoqi',24,'m','english','zhongshan road','hunan');


  1. sandy老师所教的课程号、课程名称;

select c.cid AS ' 课程号' ,c.cname AS '课程名称' from course c where c.teacher = 'sandy'
  1. 年龄大于20岁的女学生的学号和姓名;
select s.sid AS '学号',s.sname AS '名字' from student s where s.sex = 'f' and s.age>20;
  1. 在学生表中按性别排序,且男在前女在后显示记录。
SELECT * from student ORDER BY sex DESC;
  1. “wuyi”所选修的全部课程名称;
select c.cname from student s, course c, sc 
where s.sname = 'wuyi'
and s.sid = sc.sid
and c.cid = sc.cid;
  1. 所有成绩都在80分以上的学生姓名及所在系;
select s.sname,s.department ,sc.grade from student s, course c, sc 
where sc.grade>=80
and s.sid = sc.sid
and c.cid = sc.cid;

  1. 没有选修“english”课的学生的姓名;
select s.sname from student s, course c, sc 
where c.cname = 'english' 
and s.sid = sc.sid
and c.cid = sc.cid;
  1. 与“jilian”同乡的男生姓名及所在系;
select * from student s where s.sname <> 'jilian' and s.birthplace = (select birthplace from student  where sname = 'jilian');
  1. 英语成绩比数学成绩好的学生;
select s.sname, sc1.grade as english,sc2.grade as math from student s, course c1, course c2,sc sc1, sc sc2
where c1.cname = 'english' 
and c2.cname = 'math'
and sc1.grade>sc2.grade
and s.sid = sc1.sid
and c1.cid = sc1.cid
and c2.cid = sc2.cid;
  1. 选修同一门课程时,女生比所有男生成绩都好的学生名单;
select f.sname
  from (select s.sname,sc.cid, sc.grade
          from student s, sc 
         where s.sid = sc.sid
           and s.sex = 'f') f,
       (select sc.cid, sc.grade
          from student s, sc
         where s.sid = sc.sid
           and s.sex = 'm') m
 where f.cid = m.cid
   and f.grade > m.grade;
  1. 至少选修两门及以上课程的学生姓名、性别;
select * from student where sid in (SELECT sid from sc GROUP BY sid having count(1)>1);
select s.sname, s.sex
  from student s, sc
 where s.sid = sc.sid
 group by s.sname, s.sex
having count(distinct sc.cid) > 2;
  1. 选修了sandy老师所讲课程的学生人数;
select COUNT(*) from sc where cid in (select cid from course where teacher='sandy')
  1. “english”课程得最高分的学生姓名、性别、所在系;
select * from student where sid = (select sid from sc where cid =(select cid from course where cname='english') order by grade Desc LIMIT 0,1);

select * from student s,sc, course c 
where c.cname='english' 
and c.cid = sc.cid
and s.sid = sc.sid
order by grade Desc LIMIT 0,1