Python numpy.reshape() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def model(self, features, labels):
        x = features["observation"]
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d(x, 2, kernel_size=[3, 3], stride=[2, 2], activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        actions = tf.one_hot(tf.reshape(features["action"],[-1]), depth=6, on_value=1.0, off_value=0.0, axis=1)
        x = tf.concat(1, [tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x),  actions])
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        x = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 100, activation_fn=tf.nn.elu)
        logits = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(x, 1, activation_fn=None)
        prediction = tf.sigmoid(logits, name="prediction")
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, tf.expand_dims(labels, axis=1)),name="loss")
        train_op = tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss(
          loss, tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step(), optimizer='Adam',
        tf.add_to_collection('prediction', prediction)
        tf.add_to_collection('loss', loss)
        return prediction, loss, train_op 

Example 2

def visualize(self, zv, path):
        z, v = zv
        if path:
   + '/trajectory.npy', z)

        z = np.reshape(z, [-1, 2])
        self.ax1.hist2d(z[:, 0], z[:, 1], bins=400)
        self.ax1.set(xlim=self.xlim(), ylim=self.ylim())

        v = np.reshape(v, [-1, 2])
        self.ax2.hist2d(v[:, 0], v[:, 1], bins=400)
        self.ax2.set(xlim=self.xlim(), ylim=self.ylim())

        if self.display:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        elif path:
            self.fig.savefig(path + '/visualize.png') 

Example 3

def test(path_test, input_size, hidden_size, batch_size, save_dir, model_name, maxlen):
    db = read_data(path_test)

    X = create_sequences(db[:-maxlen], win_size=maxlen, step=maxlen)
    X = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], X.shape[1], input_size))

    # build the model: 1 layer LSTM
    print('Build model...')
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(LSTM(hidden_size, return_sequences=False, input_shape=(maxlen, input_size)))

    model.load_weights(save_dir + model_name)
    model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')

    prediction = model.predict(X, batch_size, verbose=1)
    prediction = prediction.flatten()
    # prediction_container = np.array(prediction).flatten()
    Y = db[maxlen:]
    plt.plot(prediction, label='prediction')
    plt.plot(Y, label='true')

Example 4

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 5

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 6

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 7

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 8

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 9

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 10

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 11

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 12

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 13

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 14

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 15

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 16

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 17

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 18

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 19

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 20

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 21

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    dspacing = gridwidth * gridheight
    layers = cells.shape[0] // dspacing
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 22

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 23

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 24

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 25

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 26

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 27

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 28

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 29

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 30

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 31

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 32

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    #height = cells.shape[3]  # should be 224 for our data
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) vertically and horizontally
    #dspacing = gridwidth * gridheight
    #layers = cells.shape[0] // dspacing
    cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]//36
    new_shape = (36, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:]) 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 33

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 34

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 35

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 36

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 37

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 38

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 39

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 40

def data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    width = cells.shape[4]
    crop = (width - grid ) // 2 ## for simplicity we are assuming the same crop (and grid) in x & y directions 
    if crop > 0:  # do NOT crop with 0 as we get empty cells ...
        cells = cells[:,:,:,crop:-crop,crop:-crop]     
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape)  
    cells = np.moveaxis(cells, 0, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape2 = tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (gridheight, gridwidth,) + tuple([x for x in shape[4:]])
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape2)
    cells = cells.swapaxes(-2, -3)
    shape = cells.shape
    combine_shape =tuple([x for x in shape[0:3]]) + (shape[-4]*shape[-3], shape[-2]*shape[-1],)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, combine_shape)
    return cells 

Example 41

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 42

def data_from_grid_by_proximity (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid=32):
    # disperse the sequential dats into layers and then use data_from_grid
    shape = cells.shape
    new_shape_1_dim = shape[0]// (gridwidth * gridheight)  # ws // 36 -- Improved on 20170306
    ### NOTE tha we invert the order of shapes below to get the required proximity type ordering
    new_shape = (new_shape_1_dim, gridwidth * gridheight,  ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    #new_shape = (gridwidth * gridheight, new_shape_1_dim, ) +  tuple([x for x in shape][1:])   # was 36,  Improved on 20170306
    # swap ordering of axes 
    cells = np.reshape(cells, new_shape) 
    cells = cells.swapaxes(0, 1)
    cells = np.reshape(cells, shape) 
    cells = data_from_grid (cells, gridwidth, gridheight, grid)
    return cells 

Example 43

def get_taxi_stats(data_path=data_path):
    file_name = 'taxi_data_stats.p'
    path = data_path + file_name
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        download(file_name, data_path=data_path)

    import pickle
    stats = pickle.load(open(path, 'r'))
    sum_X = stats['sum_X']
    sum_X2 = stats['sum_X2']
    n = float(stats['n'])
    X_mean = sum_X / n
    X_std = ((sum_X2 - (sum_X**2)/n)/(n-1))**0.5

    X_mean = np.reshape(X_mean, [1, -1])
    X_std = np.reshape(X_std, [1, -1])
    return X_mean, X_std 

Example 44

def _generateSourceData(self, format, size):
        if format in ('CF', 'CD'):
            return [complex(x) for x in xrange(size)]

        complexData = format.startswith('C')
        typecode = format[1]
        dataFormat, dataType = self.TYPEMAP[typecode]

        samples = size
        if complexData:
            samples *= 2
        data = [dataType(x) for x in xrange(samples)]
        if complexData:
            data = numpy.reshape(data, (size,2))

        return data 

Example 45

def _test_FileSource(self, format):
        filename = self._tempfileName('source_%s' % format)

        complexData = format.startswith('C')
        typecode = format[1]
        dataFormat, dataType = self.TYPEMAP[typecode]

        indata = self._generateSourceData(format, 16)
        hdr = bluefile.header(1000, format)
        bluefile.write(filename, hdr, indata)

        source = sb.FileSource(filename, midasFile=True, dataFormat=dataFormat)
        sink = sb.DataSink()
        outdata = sink.getData(eos_block=True)
        if complexData:
            self.assertEqual(sink.sri().mode, 1)
            if dataFormat in ('float', 'double'):
                outdata = bulkio_helpers.bulkioComplexToPythonComplexList(outdata)
                outdata = numpy.reshape(outdata, (len(outdata)/2,2))
            self.assertEqual(sink.sri().mode, 0)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.array_equal(indata, outdata), msg='%s != %s' % (indata, outdata)) 

Example 46

def action_label_counts(directory, data_loader, n_actions=18, n=None):
    episode_paths = frame.episode_paths(directory)
    label_counts = [0, 0]
    action_label_counts = [[0, 0] for i in range(n_actions)]
    if n is not None:
        episode_paths = episode_paths[:n]
    for episode_path in tqdm.tqdm(episode_paths):
            features, labels = data_loader.load_features_and_labels([episode_path])
            for label in range(len(label_counts)):
                label_counts[label] += np.count_nonzero(labels == label)
                for action in range(n_actions):
                    actions = np.reshape(np.array(features["action"]), [-1])
                    action_label_counts[action][label] += np.count_nonzero(
                        np.logical_and(labels == label, actions == action))
    return label_counts, action_label_counts 

Example 47

def detect(self, img):
        img_h, img_w, _ = img.shape
        inputs = cv2.resize(img, (self.image_size, self.image_size))
        inputs = cv2.cvtColor(inputs, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32)
        inputs = (inputs / 255.0) * 2.0 - 1.0
        inputs = np.reshape(inputs, (1, self.image_size, self.image_size, 3))

        result = self.detect_from_cvmat(inputs)[0]

        for i in range(len(result)):
            result[i][1] *= (1.0 * img_w / self.image_size)
            result[i][2] *= (1.0 * img_h / self.image_size)
            result[i][3] *= (1.0 * img_w / self.image_size)
            result[i][4] *= (1.0 * img_h / self.image_size)

        return result 

Example 48

def read_flow(path, filename):
    flowdata = None
    with open(path + filename + '.flo') as f:
        # Valid .flo file checker
        magic = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1)
        if 202021.25 != magic:
            print 'Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file'
            # Reshape data into 3D array (columns, rows, bands)
            w = int(np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1))
            h = int(np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1))
            #print 'Reading {}.flo with shape: ({}, {}, 2)'.format(filename, h, w)
            flowdata = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=2*w*h)

            # NOTE: numpy shape(h, w, ch) is opposite to image shape(w, h, ch)
            flowdata = np.reshape(flowdata, (h, w, 2))

    return flowdata 

Example 49

def create_training_test_sets(self):
        # training set
        train_x = np.random.uniform(self.data_interval_left, self.data_interval_right, size=self.data_size)
        train_x = np.sort(train_x)
        train_y = self.true_f(train_x) + 3. * np.random.randn(self.data_size)

        self.train_x = [train_x.reshape((train_x.shape[0], 1))]
        self.train_y = [train_y.reshape((train_y.shape[0], 1))]

        # test set for visualisation
        self.test_x = np.arange(self.view_xrange[0], self.view_xrange[1], 0.01, dtype=np.float32)
        self.test_x = np.reshape(self.test_x, (self.test_x.shape[0], 1))
        self.test_y = self.true_f(self.test_x)
        self.test_y = np.reshape(self.test_y, (self.test_y.shape[0], 1))

        self.test_x = [self.test_x]
        self.test_y = [self.test_y] 

Example 50

def _convert(matrix, arr):
    """Do the color space conversion.

    matrix : array_like
        The 3x3 matrix to use.
    arr : array_like
        The input array.

    out : ndarray, dtype=float
        The converted array.
    arr = _prepare_colorarray(arr)
    arr = np.swapaxes(arr, 0, -1)
    oldshape = arr.shape
    arr = np.reshape(arr, (3, -1))
    out =, arr)
    out.shape = oldshape
    out = np.swapaxes(out, -1, 0)

    return np.ascontiguousarray(out) 